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November 2018, Vol. 2, No. 6

What's driving the next-generation mobile user experience

Several recent technology advancements have contributed to the next-generation mobile user experience that many organizations now aim to deliver to their employees. Most organizations' mobile efforts have evolved beyond the basics of a mobile-friendly website and an intranet accessed via a secure browser. Companies want to create contextual and predictive mobile experiences that delight customers and employees. Yet, many aspects of developing a compelling mobile user experience have changed with the introduction of new devices, computing processors and software. Mobile experiences today must move seamlessly across devices with multiple operating systems. Apple and Samsung talk about delivering an experience that moves effortlessly across devices that range from PCs to smartphones. PC manufacturers such as Dell have designed software that enables features such as text messages to appear on a PC. Preserving context has always been a goal; now it's an imperative. But a next-generation experience is more than delivering the same ...

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