
Troubleshooting remote scripting using Network Monitor 3.0 -- Managing Windows networks using script

Learn how to use Network Monitor 3.0 for troubleshooting a remote scripting error in this tip originally published on WindowsNetworking.com.

Learn how to use Network Monitor 3.0 for troubleshooting a remote scripting error in this tip originally published on WindowsNetworking.com.

In the previous article, Troubleshooting the mystery error -- Managing Windows networks using scripts, we began troubleshooting a mysterious error that occurred when we tried to remotely change the IP address on an XP machine using the ChangeIPAddress.vbs script we developed. The mysterious error that occurred was this:

SWbemObjectEx: The remote procedure call failed

In the previous article, I mentioned that I had contacted some scripting gurus concerning this error, and the best answer I received was that a hotfix had probably broken WMI functionality and the result was that this script worked remotely but generated an error.

But an astute reader contacted me afterward with the following comment:

"This isn't an error in any of the hotfixes in my opinion. Remember you are changing the IP address of XP2. The remote procedure call failed is because it lost the connection to the XP2 on the original IP address ( Then it spends some time (about 1 minute) to look for XP2 on the new IP address ( before it gives up."
This article originally appeared on WindowsNetworking.com.

Imagine you just telnet into a server as administrator and change the IP address of the server. Will you lose the connection? It will hang a while and this is the same. But changing the default gateway on the server will not interrupt the existing (telnet) connection (assuming you do this from the same subnet). If you try to change the default gateway setting from remote site, you should experience the same delay."

Good point! How can we test this explanation?

Using Network Monitor 3.0
Microsoft recently released a new version of Network Monitor, a packet-sniffing tool that is included as part of Microsoft Systems Management Server. Network Monitor 3.0 has several enhancements over the previous version of this tool, namely, the following:

  • New, improved user interface that displays frames while they are being captured in real time
  • Multiple simultaneous capture sessions and simultaneous capture on multiple network adapters
  • The ability to display network "conversations," i.e., specific protocol sessions
  • Support for Vista, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 including both 32bit and 64bit platforms.
  • New filtering panel that lets you manually specify filters

For more information about Network Monitor 3.0, see Paul Long's TechNet blog.

Here's my plan then. I'm going to use NM3 to capture a network trace from the machine on which I'm running the ChangeIPAddress.vbs script. My test setup for this is as follows:

Administrator workstation
Name: test124.test.com
IP address: (static)

Target machine
Name: test125.test.com
IP address: (static)

Domain controller
Name: dc181.test.com
IP address:

But before I try to run ChangeIPAddress.vbs on test124 in order to change the IP address of test125, let's take a quick look at NM3.

When you start NM3, it looks like this (Figure 1):

Figure 1: Network Monitor 3.0 opening screen (Click the image for a larger view)

Before we go any further, let's select the Enable Conversations checkbox so we can view each type of protocol session that occurs during our trace.

Now click Create A New Capture Tab. This opens a new tab named Capture1 that we can use to create our network trace (Figure 2):

Figure 2: Opening a new capture tab (Click the image for a larger view)

Now let's test NM3 with something simple. We'll click the Play button to start a capture, and then from machine test124 we'll open a command prompt and type ping -- we're pinging test125 from test124. The result is this (Figure 3):

Figure 3: Trace of pinging (Click the image for a larger view)

This is just what we expect: two ARP packets (an ARP request followed by an ARP response) and then a series of ICMP packets (Echo Request messages followed by Echo Reply messages). If you know basic TCP/IP networking, this should be easy to understand.

Let's look at the "conversations" that occurred. Expand the My Traffic node to display these, shown in Figure 4:

Figure 4: Showing conversations (Click the image for a larger view)

Note that two conversations occurred: ARP and IPv4 (ICMP). Again, this should be pretty obvious if you know basic TCP/IP networking.

Let's now select the ARP Request packet and look inside it (Figure 5):

Figure 5: Examining a packet (Click the image for a larger view)

Now that we've had a quick introduction to NM3 (there's lots more!) let's try using it to troubleshoot our mystery error.

Capturing Traces
I'll start by rebooting both workstations to clear any caches (ARP, DNS, etc.) and then I'll open a command prompt on test124 and type ChangeIPAddress.vbs in order to change the IP address of test125 from to (I've hard-coded the target computer as "test125" within this script.) Here's the result (Figure 6):

Figure 6: Result of running ChangeIPAddress.vbs (Click the image for a larger view)

Read other 'Managing Windows networks using scripts' tips
Part 1: The basics

Part 2: Cleaning up

Part 3: Understanding WMI

Part 4: Using Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration

Part 5: Getting over the hump

Part 6: Remote scripting first steps

Part 7: Troubleshooting the mystery error

Part 8: Troubleshooting remote scripting with Network Monitor 3.0

Part 9: Understand remote scripting

Part 10: Two tricks using WMI scripts

Part 11: More remote scripting tips

Part 12: Properties of WMI class

Part 13: A return-all-values script

Part 14: WMI scripting resources

Here's an overview of what happened: The capture lasted almost 90 seconds in total, and there were 274 frames captured. The error message appeared around frame 241, and the command prompt returned at frame 274. (I know this because I watched the command output while the trace was being captured.) That's a lot of traffic to analyze! Looking at Figure 6 above, we can at least make a start at analyzing it:

  • Frames 3-4 show the name TEST125 being resolved into IP address using DNS.
  • Frames 5-6 show the IP address being resolved into a MAC address using ARP.
  • Frames 7-9 show a three-way TCP handshake (SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) occurring between test124 and test125.
  • Frames 10-11 show an RPC binding being established between the two machines.
  • Frames 12-13 show DCOM being used over RCP (WMI uses DCOM to handle remote calls).

…and so on.

Obviously we can't display all 274 frames in the figure, so I copied the Frame Summary information to a text file. (I also saved the capture as a .cap file). You can see the Frame Summary that resulted when we ran ChangeIPAddress.vbs here.

That's pretty overwhelming, isn't it? How can one begin to understand what this capture is telling you?

Well, when you're troubleshooting, a good place to begin is with what you know, not what you don't know. And we know that the other script (ChangeGateway.vbs) that we developed in our previous article worked without generating any error messages. So before we look further at ChangeIPAddress.txt, let's reboot our workstations and do another capture, this time showing the result of running the command ChangeGateway.vbs 1 on test124 in order to change the default gateway of test125 from to (and specifying the metric as 1). Here's what this second capture looks like (Figure 7):

Figure 7: Result of running ChangeGateway.vbs 1 (Click the image for a larger view)

This time there are only 217 frames to analyze (!) as you can see in the Frame Summary.

Analysis of Capture for ChangeGateway.vbs
Let's try and analyze this second capture (the one that worked without generating an error) by breaking the Frame Summary down piece by piece. Here it goes:

1          0.000000                                             NetmonFilter   NetmonFilter: Updated Capture Filter: None
2          0.000000                                             NetworkInfo    NetworkInfo: Network info for TEST124, Network Adapter Count = 1

This is just NM3 header stuff -- ignore it.

3          0.000000         {DNS:3, UDP:2, IPv4:1} dc181.test.local           DNS    DNS: QueryId = 0x4275, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for of type SOA on class Internet
4          1.281250         {ARP:4}     ARP     ARP: Request, asks for
5          1.890625         {DNS:6, UDP:5, IPv4:1} dc181.test.local           DNS    DNS: QueryId = 0xEB6E, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for  test125.test.local of type Host Addr on class Internet
6          1.890625         {DNS:6, UDP:5, IPv4:1}        dc181.test.local  DNS    DNS: QueryId = 0xEB6E, QUERY (Standard query), Response - Success
7          1.906250         {ARP:7} ARP     ARP: Request, asks for
8          1.906250         {ARP:7} ARP     ARP: Response, at 00-11-D8-E3-EC-84

Here is name and address resolution stuff (DNS and ARP):

9          1.906250         {TCP:9, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=.S......, SrcPort=1069, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=1441244938, Ack=0, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
10        1.906250         {TCP:9, IPv4:8}          test125.test.local TCP     TCP: Flags=.S..A..., SrcPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), DstPort=1069, Len=0, Seq=871910569, Ack=1441244939, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
11        1.906250         {TCP:9, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1069, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=1441244939, Ack=871910570, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535

Test124 just established a TCP connection with test125.

12        1.906250         {MSRPC:10, TCP:9, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          MSRPC           MSRPC: c/o Bind:  UUID{99FCFEC4-5260-101B-BBCB-00AA0021347A} DCOM-IObjectExporter  Call=0x1  Assoc Grp=0x0  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
13        1.906250         {MSRPC:10, TCP:9, IPv4:8} test125.test.local MSRPC           MSRPC: c/o Bind Ack:  Call=0x1  Assoc Grp=0x32E9  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
14        1.906250         {MSRPC:10, TCP:9, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
15        1.906250         {MSRPC:10, TCP:9, IPv4:8} test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM

Test124 establishes an RCP binding with test125 and invokes DCOM.

TIP: If you're having trouble following the RPC portion of this trace, see KB 159258 for help.

16        1.921875         {TCP:11, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=.S......, SrcPort=1070, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=3003512395, Ack=0, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
17        1.921875         {TCP:11, IPv4:8}        test125.test.local TCP     TCP: Flags=.S..A..., SrcPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), DstPort=1070, Len=0, Seq=4088700167, Ack=3003512396, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
18        1.921875         {TCP:11, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1070, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=3003512396, Ack=4088700168, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535

Here's another TCP three-way handshake between the machines.

19        1.921875         {UDP:12, IPv4:1} dc181.test.local           KerberosV5     KerberosV5: TGS Request Realm: TEST.LOCAL Sname: RPCSS/test125.test.local
20        1.921875         {UDP:12, IPv4:1}       dc181.test.local  KerberosV5     KerberosV5: TGS Response Cname: Administrator

Kerberos authentication (the machines are both domain-joined).

21        1.921875         {MSRPC:13, TCP:11, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Bind:  UUID{000001A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} DCOM-IRemoteSCMActivator  Call=0x2  Assoc Grp=0x32E9  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
22        1.921875         {ARP:14} ARP     ARP: Request, asks for
23        1.921875         {MSRPC:13, TCP:11, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Bind Ack:  Call=0x2  Assoc Grp=0x32E9  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
24        1.921875         {MSRPC:13, TCP:11, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{000001A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} DCOM-IRemoteSCMActivator  Call=0x2
25        1.921875         {MSRPC:13, TCP:11, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x2  Assoc Grp=0x32E9  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
26        1.921875         {MSRPC:13, TCP:11, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
27        1.937500         {MSRPC:13, TCP:11, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM

There's more RPC and DCOM. I think "Alter Cont" indicates alternate context being used, but I'm actually not sure. Still, everything must be OK since the script worked without generating any errors.

28        1.937500         {TCP:15, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=.S......, SrcPort=1072, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=3011418470, Ack=0, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
29        1.937500         {TCP:15, IPv4:8}        test125.test.local TCP     TCP: Flags=.S..A..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1072, Len=0, Seq=554832695, Ack=3011418471, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
30        1.937500         {TCP:15, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1072, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=3011418471, Ack=554832696, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535

Here we see another TCP handshake.

31        1.937500         {UDP:16, IPv4:1} dc181.test.local           KerberosV5     KerberosV5: TGS Request Realm: TEST.LOCAL Sname: TEST125$
32        1.937500         {UDP:16, IPv4:1}       dc181.test.local  KerberosV5     KerberosV5: TGS Response Cname: Administrator

… And more Kerberos stuff.

33        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Bind:  UUID{00000143-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} DCOM-IRemUnknown2  Call=0x1  Assoc Grp=0x0  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
34        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Bind Ack:  Call=0x1  Assoc Grp=0x333D  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
35        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{00000143-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} DCOM-IRemUnknown2  Call=0x1
36        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x1  Assoc Grp=0x333D  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
37        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
38        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM
39        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{D4781CD6-E5D3-44DF-AD94-930EFE48A887} WMI-IWbemLoginClientID  Call=0x2
40        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x2  Assoc Grp=0x333D  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
41        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
42        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM
43        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{F309AD18-D86A-11D0-A075-00C04FB68820} WMI-IWbemLevel1Login  Call=0x3
44        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x3  Assoc Grp=0x333D  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
45        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
46        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM
47        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
48        1.937500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM
49        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{9556DC99-828C-11CF-A37E-00AA003240C7} WMI-IWbemServices  Call=0x5
50        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x5  Assoc Grp=0x333D  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
51        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
52        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM
53        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
54        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM
55        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{1C1C45EE-4395-11D2-B60B-00104B703EFD} WMI-IWbemFetchSmartEnum  Call=0x7
56        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x7  Assoc Grp=0x333D  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
57        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
58        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM
59        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{423EC01E-2E35-11D2-B604-00104B703EFD} WMI-IWbemWCOSmartEnum  Call=0x8
60        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x8  Assoc Grp=0x333D  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
61        1.953125         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
62        2.015625         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM

There's lots of RPC/DCOM stuff in there. Looks cryptic, doesn't it? But if you look carefully you'll see some WMI stuff happening i.e. WMI-IWbemLoginClientID, WMI-IWbemLevel1Login, WMI-IWbemServices, WMI-IWbemFetchSmartEnum, and so on. Searching MSDN tells us more about what's happening here. For example, the Microsoft Developer Network library tells us that "The IWbemServices interface is used by clients and providers to access WMI services" so it looks like all these I-thingies are WMI interfaces (APIs) that are being called on the remote machine (using DCOM) by the workstation we're running our script from. And some of these interfaces actually seem to be undocumented, so we won't worry too much about trying to understand them.

From here on things get kind of dense. First there's a bunch more TCP stuff with RPC "Continued Response" packets that seem to indicate connections made earlier are being used for some purpose. I'm going to skip a few frames from this next portion of the trace:

63        2.015625         {TCP:15, IPv4:8}        test125.test.local TCP     TCP: [Continuation to #62]Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1072, Len=1460, Seq=554835972 - 554837432, Ack=3011421991, Win=65061 (scale factor 0) = 65061
64        2.015625         {TCP:15, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1072, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=3011421991, Ack=554837432, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
65        2.015625         {TCP:15, IPv4:8}        test125.test.local TCP     TCP: [Continuation to #62]Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1072, Len=1460, Seq=554837432 - 554838892, Ack=3011421991, Win=65061 (scale factor 0) = 65061
66        2.015625         {TCP:15, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1072, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=3011421991, Ack=554838892, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
67        2.015625         {TCP:15, IPv4:8}        test125.test.local TCP     TCP: [Continuation to #62]Flags=...PA..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1072, Len=1449, Seq=554838892 - 554840341, Ack=3011421991, Win=65061 (scale factor 0) = 65061
68        2.015625         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Continued Response: WMI-IWbemWCOSmartEnum  Call=0x8  Context=0x5  Hint=0x198C  Cancels=0x0
155      2.031250         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Continued Response: WMI-IWbemServices  Call=0x9  Context=0x3  Hint=0x904  Cancels=0x0
156      2.031250         {TCP:15, IPv4:8}        test125.test.local TCP     TCP: [Continuation to #155]Flags=...PA..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1072, Len=929, Seq=554924260 - 554925189, Ack=3011422236, Win=64816 (scale factor 0) = 64816
157      2.031250         {TCP:15, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1072, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=3011422236, Ack=554925189, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
158      2.031250         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
159      2.031250         {TCP:15, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: [Continuation to #158]Flags=...PA..., SrcPort=1072, DstPort=1117, Len=1, Seq=3011423696 - 3011423697, Ack=554925189, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
160      2.031250         {TCP:15, IPv4:8}        test125.test.local TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1072, Len=0, Seq=554925189, Ack=3011423697, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535

Only two seconds have elapsed so far. Now there's a bunch of DCOM stuff followed by TCP connections terminating using FIN/ACKs, so I guess the script has probably done its job and is cleaning up now:

161      2.062500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM
162      2.062500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
163      2.062500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM
164      2.062500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
165      2.062500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM
166      2.062500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
167      2.062500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM
168      2.062500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}  test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
169      2.062500         {MSRPC:17, TCP:15, IPv4:8}           test125.test.local DCOM            DCOM
170      2.078125         {TCP:15, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=F...A..., SrcPort=1072, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=3011424421, Ack=554926046, Win=64678 (scale factor 0) = 64678
171      2.078125         {TCP:15, IPv4:8}        test125.test.local TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1072, Len=0, Seq=554926046, Ack=3011424422, Win=64811 (scale factor 0) = 64811
172      2.078125         {TCP:15, IPv4:8}        test125.test.local TCP     TCP: Flags=F...A..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1072, Len=0, Seq=554926046, Ack=3011424422, Win=64811 (scale factor 0) = 64811
173      2.078125         {TCP:15, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1072, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=3011424422, Ack=554926047, Win=64678 (scale factor 0) = 64678
174      2.093750         {TCP:9, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1069, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=1441245035, Ack=871910766, Win=65339 (scale factor 0) = 65339
175      2.093750         {TCP:11, IPv4:8} test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1070, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=3003514721, Ack=4088701653, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
176      2.546875         {TCP:18, IPv4:1} dc181.test.local           TCP     TCP: Flags=.S......, SrcPort=1074, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=4283854964, Ack=0, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
177      2.546875         {TCP:18, IPv4:1}        dc181.test.local  TCP     TCP: Flags=.S..A..., SrcPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), DstPort=1074, Len=0, Seq=2447011944, Ack=4283854965, Win=16384 (scale factor 0) = 16384
178      2.546875         {TCP:18, IPv4:1} dc181.test.local           TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1074, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=4283854965, Ack=2447011945, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535

Now there's some DNS and LDAP stuff going on between test124 and the domain controller. I'm not sure why this is happening, but I'll skip some of these frames as there's a lot of them:

179      2.546875         {MSRPC:19, TCP:18, IPv4:1}  dc181.test.local           MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Bind:  UUID{E1AF8308-5D1F-11C9-91A4-08002B14A0FA} Endpoint Mapper  Call=0x1  Assoc Grp=0x0  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
180      2.546875         {MSRPC:19, TCP:18, IPv4:1}           dc181.test.local  MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Bind Ack:  Call=0x1  Assoc Grp=0x7DAD  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
181      2.546875         {MSRPC:19, TCP:18, IPv4:1}  dc181.test.local           EPM    EPM: Request: ept_map: NDR, Tracking Server Service v1.0, RPC v5, (0x87) [DCE endpoint resolution(135)]
182      2.546875         {MSRPC:19, TCP:18, IPv4:1}           dc181.test.local  EPM    EPM: Response: ept_map: 0x16C9A0D6 - EP_S_NOT_REGISTERED
183      2.546875         {DNS:21, UDP:20, IPv4:1} dc181.test.local           DNS    DNS: QueryId = 0x896A, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for  _ldap._tcp.Default-First-Site._sites.dc._msdcs.test.local of type SRV on class Internet
184      2.546875         {DNS:21, UDP:20, IPv4:1}    dc181.test.local  DNS    DNS: QueryId = 0x896A, QUERY (Standard query), Response - Success
185      2.546875         {LDAP:23, UDP:22, IPv4:1} dc181.test.local           LDAP  LDAP: Search Request, MessageID:4, BaseObject: NULL, SearchScope: base Object, SearchAlias: neverDerefAliases
186      2.546875         {LDAP:23, UDP:22, IPv4:1} dc181.test.local  LDAP  LDAP: Search Result Entry, MessageID:4, Status: Success
212      6.546875         {DNS:32, UDP:5, IPv4:1} dc181.test.local           DNS    DNS: QueryId = 0x266D, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for  download.windowsupdate.com of type Host Addr on class Internet
213      6.546875         {ARP:4}     ARP     ARP: Request, asks for
214      7.546875         {DNS:32, UDP:5, IPv4:1} dc181.test.local           DNS    DNS: QueryId = 0x266D, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for  download.windowsupdate.com of type Host Addr on class Internet
215      8.546875         {DNS:32, UDP:5, IPv4:1} dc181.test.local           DNS    DNS: QueryId = 0x266D, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for  download.windowsupdate.com of type Host Addr on class Internet
216      9.281250         {ARP:4}     ARP     ARP: Request, asks for

At this point the script has already ended so I terminated the capture.

Analysis of Capture for ChangeIPAddress.vbs
We now have a bit of an idea of what a capture of a successful remote script looks like:

  • Some DNS and ARP stuff
  • Establishment of TCP sessions using 3-way handshake
  • RPC bindings and DCOM
  • More TCP handshaking
  • Kerberos stuff (machines are in a domain)
  • More RPC/DCOM stuff
  • More TCP handshakes, more Kerberos, lots more RPC/DCOM combined with TCP communications
  • MORE DCOM followed by tearing down the TCP sessions established earlier

And the whole thing took just over 2 seconds.

Now let's look at our capture for ChangeIPAddress.vbs (the script that generates an RPC error when we run it remotely) and see how it differs from the above.

1          0.000000                                             NetmonFilter   NetmonFilter: Updated Capture Filter: None
2          0.000000                                             NetworkInfo    NetworkInfo: Network info for TEST124, Network Adapter Count = 1

This is just some Netmon stuff.

3          0.000000         {DNS:3, UDP:2, IPv4:1}        test124.test.local          dc181.test.local           DNS    DNS: QueryId = 0x7869, QUERY (Standard query), Query  for  test125.test.local of type Host Addr on class Internet
4          0.000000         {DNS:3, UDP:2, IPv4:1}        dc181.test.local           test124.test.local          DNS    DNS: QueryId = 0x7869, QUERY (Standard query), Response - Success
5          0.015625         {ARP:4} ARP     ARP: Request, asks for
6          0.015625         {ARP:4} ARP     ARP: Response, at 00-11-D8-E3-EC-84
7          0.015625         {TCP:6, IPv4:5}          test124.test.local          test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=.S......, SrcPort=1063, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=539163285, Ack=0, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
8          0.015625         {TCP:6, IPv4:5}          test125.test.local          test124.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=.S..A..., SrcPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), DstPort=1063, Len=0, Seq=981335265, Ack=539163286, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
9          0.015625         {TCP:6, IPv4:5}          test124.test.local          test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1063, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=539163286, Ack=981335266, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535

This is an ARP, a DNS, then a TCP handshake -- the same as before.

10        0.015625         {MSRPC:7, TCP:6, IPv4:5}   test124.test.local          test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Bind:  UUID{99FCFEC4-5260-101B-BBCB-00AA0021347A} DCOM-IObjectExporter  Call=0x1  Assoc Grp=0x0  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
11        0.015625         {MSRPC:7, TCP:6, IPv4:5}   test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Bind Ack:  Call=0x1  Assoc Grp=0x32EA  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
12        0.031250         {MSRPC:7, TCP:6, IPv4:5}   test124.test.local          test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
13        0.031250         {MSRPC:7, TCP:6, IPv4:5}   test125.test.local          test124.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
14        0.078125         {TCP:8, IPv4:5}          test124.test.local          test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=.S......, SrcPort=1064, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=1367843928, Ack=0, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
15        0.078125         {TCP:8, IPv4:5}          test125.test.local          test124.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=.S..A..., SrcPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), DstPort=1064, Len=0, Seq=3625279350, Ack=1367843929, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
16        0.078125         {TCP:8, IPv4:5}          test124.test.local          test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1064, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=1367843929, Ack=3625279351, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
17        0.078125         {UDP:9, IPv4:1}         test124.test.local          dc181.test.local           KerberosV5            KerberosV5: TGS Request Realm: TEST.LOCAL Sname: RPCSS/test125.test.local
18        0.078125         {UDP:9, IPv4:1}         dc181.test.local           test124.test.local          KerberosV5            KerberosV5: TGS Response Cname: Administrator

RPC, then DCOM, then another TCP handshake, then some Kerberos stuff. It looks the same as before.

19        0.078125         {MSRPC:10, TCP:8, IPv4:5} test124.test.local          test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Bind:  UUID{000001A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} DCOM-IRemoteSCMActivator  Call=0x2  Assoc Grp=0x32EA  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
20        0.093750         {ARP:11} ARP     ARP: Request, asks for
21        0.093750         {MSRPC:10, TCP:8, IPv4:5} test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Bind Ack:  Call=0x2  Assoc Grp=0x32EA  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
22        0.093750         {MSRPC:10, TCP:8, IPv4:5} test124.test.local          test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{000001A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} DCOM-IRemoteSCMActivator  Call=0x2
23        0.093750         {MSRPC:10, TCP:8, IPv4:5} test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x2  Assoc Grp=0x32EA  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
24        0.093750         {MSRPC:10, TCP:8, IPv4:5} test124.test.local          test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
25        0.093750         {MSRPC:10, TCP:8, IPv4:5} test125.test.local          test124.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
26        0.093750         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test124.test.local          test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=.S......, SrcPort=1066, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=1180773456, Ack=0, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
27        0.093750         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test125.test.local          test124.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=.S..A..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1066, Len=0, Seq=539972629, Ack=1180773457, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
28        0.093750         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test124.test.local          test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1066, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=1180773457, Ack=539972630, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
29        0.093750         {UDP:13, IPv4:1}       test124.test.local          dc181.test.local           KerberosV5            KerberosV5: TGS Request Realm: TEST.LOCAL Sname: TEST125$
30        0.109375         {UDP:13, IPv4:1}       dc181.test.local           test124.test.local          KerberosV5            KerberosV5: TGS Response Cname: Administrator

We see the same pattern.

31        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Bind:  UUID{00000143-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} DCOM-IRemUnknown2  Call=0x1  Assoc Grp=0x0  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
32        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Bind Ack:  Call=0x1  Assoc Grp=0x333E  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
33        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{00000143-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} DCOM-IRemUnknown2  Call=0x1
34        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x1  Assoc Grp=0x333E  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
35        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
36        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
37        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{D4781CD6-E5D3-44DF-AD94-930EFE48A887} WMI-IWbemLoginClientID  Call=0x2
38        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x2  Assoc Grp=0x333E  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
39        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
40        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
41        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{F309AD18-D86A-11D0-A075-00C04FB68820} WMI-IWbemLevel1Login  Call=0x3
42        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x3  Assoc Grp=0x333E  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
43        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
44        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
45        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          DCOM           
46        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
47        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{9556DC99-828C-11CF-A37E-00AA003240C7} WMI-IWbemServices  Call=0x5
48        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x5  Assoc Grp=0x333E  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
49        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
50        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
51        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
52        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
53        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{1C1C45EE-4395-11D2-B60B-00104B703EFD} WMI-IWbemFetchSmartEnum  Call=0x7 54        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x7  Assoc Grp=0x333E  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
55        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
56        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
57        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont:  UUID{423EC01E-2E35-11D2-B604-00104B703EFD} WMI-IWbemWCOSmartEnum  Call=0x8
58        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Alter Cont Resp:  Call=0x8  Assoc Grp=0x333E  Xmit=0x16D0  Recv=0x16D0
59        0.109375         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM

Then a whole bunch of RPC/DCOM stuff, just like the other trace.

60        0.187500         {TCP:6, IPv4:5}          test124.test.local          test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1063, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=539163382, Ack=981335462, Win=65339 (scale factor 0) = 65339
61        0.187500         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          DCOM            DCOM
62        0.187500         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test125.test.local          test124.test.local          TCP     TCP: [Continuation to #61]Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1066, Len=1460, Seq=539975906 - 539977366, Ack=1180776977, Win=65061 (scale factor 0) = 65061
63        0.187500         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test124.test.local          test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1066, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=1180776977, Ack=539977366, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
64        0.187500         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test125.test.local          test124.test.local          TCP     TCP: [Continuation to #61]Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1066, Len=1460, Seq=539977366 - 539978826, Ack=1180776977, Win=65061 (scale factor 0) = 65061
65        0.187500         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test124.test.local          test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1066, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=1180776977, Ack=539978826, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
66        0.187500         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test125.test.local          test124.test.local          TCP     TCP: [Continuation to #61]Flags=...PA..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1066, Len=1449, Seq=539978826 - 539980275, Ack=1180776977, Win=65061 (scale factor 0) = 65061
67        0.187500         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Continued Response: WMI-IWbemWCOSmartEnum  Call=0x8  Context=0x5  Hint=0x198C  Cancels=0x0
148      0.187500         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Continued Response: WMI-IWbemServices  Call=0x9  Context=0x3  Hint=0x1F84  Cancels=0x0
149      0.187500         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test125.test.local          test124.test.local          TCP     TCP: [Continuation to #148]Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1066, Len=1460, Seq=540058365 - 540059825, Ack=1180777222, Win=64816 (scale factor 0) = 64816
150      0.187500         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test124.test.local          test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1066, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=1180777222, Ack=540059825, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
151      0.187500         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test125.test.local          test124.test.local          TCP     TCP: [Continuation to #148]Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1066, Len=1460, Seq=540059825 - 540061285, Ack=1180777222, Win=64816 (scale factor 0) = 64816
152      0.187500         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test125.test.local          test124.test.local          TCP     TCP: [Continuation to #148]Flags=...PA..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1066, Len=1449, Seq=540061285 - 540062734, Ack=1180777222, Win=64816 (scale factor 0) = 64816
153      0.187500         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test124.test.local          test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1066, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=1180777222, Ack=540062734, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
154      0.187500         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test125.test.local          test124.test.local          MSRPC            MSRPC: c/o Continued Response: WMI-IWbemServices  Call=0x9  Context=0x3  Hint=0x904  Cancels=0x0
155      0.187500         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test125.test.local          test124.test.local          TCP     TCP: [Continuation to #154]Flags=...PA..., SrcPort=1117, DstPort=1066, Len=929, Seq=540064194 - 540065123, Ack=1180777222, Win=64816 (scale factor 0) = 64816
156      0.187500         {TCP:12, IPv4:5}        test124.test.local          test125.test.local          TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1066, DstPort=1117, Len=0, Seq=1180777222, Ack=540065123, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
157      0.187500         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local          test125.test.local          DCOM            DCOM

Here's RPC together with TCP. You can see the WMI interface calls happening.

158      0.218750         {ARP:15} ARP    ARP: Request, asks for

Uh-oh, what's this? The script has successfully changed the IP address of the target machine (test125) from to, so why is the target machine using ARP to try and resolve its own IP address into a MAC address? This is an example of gratuitous ARP, which happens when a node makes an ARP request for its own IP address. Why does the target machine do this? To make sure it's new IP address isn't being used by any other node on the network. If it issues several ARP requests and no ARP response is received, it decides that its new address is unique to the network and the address can be kept. But if another node issues an ARP response to this request, the first node assumes there is an address conflict on the network and it disables its IP address (assigns it to

TIP: See Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Chapter 3 of Microsoft® Windows® 2000 TCP/IP Protocols and Services Technical Reference by Thomas Lee and Joseph Davies if you want to learn more about gratuitous ARP.

At this point things seem to fall apart -- you can tell this by the fact that the time interval between packets is increasing significantly. What seems to be happening next is that the source node (test124) keeps trying to acknowledge TCP with the target but isn't getting anywhere:

159      0.296875         {TCP:8, IPv4:5}         test124.test.local         test125.test.local         TCP     TCP: Flags=....A..., SrcPort=1064, DstPort=DCE endpoint resolution(135), Len=0, Seq=1367846254, Ack=3625280836, Win=65535 (scale factor 0) = 65535
160      0.437500         {ARP:15} ARP    ARP: Request, asks for
161      0.515625         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local         test125.test.local         DCOM            DCOM
162      1.062500         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local         test125.test.local         DCOM            DCOM
163      1.437500         {ARP:15} ARP    ARP: Request, asks for
164      2.265625         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local         test125.test.local         DCOM            DCOM
165      2.453125         {ARP:15} ARP    ARP: Request, asks for
166      3.437500         {ARP:15} ARP    ARP: Request, asks for
167      4.437500         {ARP:15} ARP    ARP: Request, asks for
168      4.671875         {MSRPC:14, TCP:12, IPv4:5}           test124.test.local         test125.test.local         DCOM            DCOM

Let's look at packet 159 above more closely using NM3 (Figure 8):

Figure 8: TCP connection problems (Click the image for a larger view)

Note from this figure that the source machine (test124) still thinks the destination machine has IP address, and it keeps trying to ACK with test125 to maintain the TCP connection established earlier.

Now let's look at frame 161 (Figure 9):

Figure 9: RPC/DCOM problems (Click the image for a larger view)

Note that the RPC binding established earlier by the source machine (test124) with the target machine (test125) is trying to invoke DCOM to call the EnableStatic Method of the Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class. (To see this, look at the right side of the Hex Details pane where you can see the hex payload of the RPC packet displayed in UNICODE text.) But in trying to invoke DCOM, the source machine still thinks the destination address of the target machine is (see the Frame Details pane in the figure).

So it looks like the reader was right!

The rest of the ChangeIPAddress.vbs capture is interesting to try and analyze, but it looks like we've identified the reason our remote script doesn't run properly. Well, it does work of course if we use the On Error Resume Next workaround that we mentioned in the previous article.

About the author:
Mitch Tulloch is a writer, trainer and consultant specializing in Windows server operating systems, IIS administration, network troubleshooting, and security. He is the author of 15 books including the Microsoft Encyclopedia of Networking (Microsoft Press), the Microsoft Encyclopedia of Security (Microsoft Press), Windows Server Hacks (O'Reilly), Windows Server 2003 in a Nutshell (O'Reilly), Windows 2000 Administration in a Nutshell (O'Reilly), and IIS 6 Administration (Osborne/McGraw-Hill). Mitch is based in Winnipeg, Canada, and you can find more information about his books at his website: www.mtit.com.

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