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November 2020, Vol. 21, No. 4

AI in security analytics is the enhancement you need

The volume of cyberthreats is staggering. One research project put the number of attacks detected during the first quarter of 2020 at 445 million. That figure, from the Q2 2020 Fraud and Abuse Report released by Arkose Labs, represents a 44% increase over the prior quarter -- the highest attack rate ever detected in a quarter. Likewise, others have reported a rising number of attacks, as well as an increasing level of sophistication in those attacks. Although such statistics can vary, experts generally agreed that both the volume and velocity of cyber attacks today can overwhelm enterprise security teams that aren't operating at peak proficiency and aren't using the latest processes and technologies to help them detect and thwart bad actors from doing damage. That now means having AI as part of the defense arsenal is a must. The sophistication, diversity, speed and volume of attacks -- coupled with the growing complexity and reach of an enterprise technology stack that no longer has any real perimeter -- has made conventional ...

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