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November 2020, Vol. 21, No. 4

Cybersecurity for remote workers: Lessons from the front

Thanks to a prior life as a paramedic, I've spent decades as a part-time disaster responder, jumping into chaotic environments on the heels of natural catastrophes like Hurricane Katrina. I've learned that survivors who are able to adapt and rebuild often share two key traits: They react quickly, and they accept their new reality. This is the challenge facing CISOs today. How can we rapidly shift our operations to a primarily work-from-home model -- and ensure strong cybersecurity for remote workers -- even while in the midst of a generation-defining disaster that will have repercussions for years to come? While some organizations already supported remote work before the COVID-19 freight train hit, very few supported it at the scale the pandemic required. I've heard the same story from multiple IT leaders: "COVID-19 forced us to implement our three- to five-year digital transformation plans in three to five weeks." Digital transformation is a bit of a fluffy phrase; in concrete terms, it has three major components: migrating ...

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