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Vol. 19, No. 1

Efficient data storage tips to achieve a green data center

When organizations think about data storage, they often do so in terms of hardware and software, primary and secondary, management and analytics, and cost vs. ROI. There is more to the last duality than meets the eye, however, as determining the expense and value of data center storage should encompass more than the initial cost of purchasing and deploying new -- or replacing old -- storage products. Keeping storage expenses in check includes the costs of maintaining and running storage hardware. But it could also mean using efficient data storage methods and other power-consumption strategies as part of a green data center initiative. Efficient data storage is a worthy objective in a time when data centers around the world are consuming more energy than ever. According to a Science magazine article, data centers accounted for 250 terawatt-hours of energy consumption worldwide -- or approximately 1% of the world's total global energy consumption -- in 2018. This infographic provides tips on how to enable a green data center by ...

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