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Vol. 19, No. 1

Pay-per-use pricing model can boost digital initiatives

Businesses of all shapes and sizes -- and across multiple industries -- are ramping up their digital business initiatives and IT services roadmaps. Even prior to COVID-19, these initiatives were high on the IT priority list, but in a soon-to-be post-coronavirus era (vaccine distribution permitting), businesses will succeed or fail based on their ability to use technology to better understand and engage with customers. For some businesses, COVID-19 has reaffirmed their existing roadmaps and plans. For others, the pandemic has been a painful wake-up call. As businesses seek to add to or accelerate their digital initiatives, some would say transformations, personnel and budget constraints will present major hurdles to success. Some IT organizations have turned to a pay-per-use or as-a-service model for infrastructure as a means of speeding up digital initiatives by accelerating investments without significantly impacting near-term budgets. Enterprise Strategy Group found in a recent study, for example, that IT organizations were ...

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