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Free RFP template examples for ERP
Use these free RFP template examples for ERP to make the best use of your business' technology resources.
ERP, or enterprise resource planning, describes any activity that helps an organization manage important resources. Information made available through an ERP system can aid companies in determining which key performance indicators are most crucial to their success. Organizations can use ERP software and services to manage product planning, interact with suppliers and customers, assess inventories and track orders.
When contracting resource-planning services, companies typically start by creating an ERP request for proposal (RFP) document to elicit bids from potential vendors for their products or services. SearchCIO scoured the Web for free RFP template examples that, regardless of industry or specific resource-planning needs, CIOs can use as they reach out to potential ERP providers.
SOURCE: Info-Tech Research Group
OFFERING: Download this free RFP template that includes standard boiler-plate copy related to the selection process, a section for vendor details and areas to collect functionality information. You can sign in with a LinkedIn account or create a site-specific account.

SOURCE: City of Kansas City, Missouri, via Gartner
OFFERING: The city of Kansas City's "Request for Proposal for Enterprise Resource Planning System" template example is a lengthy document covering rules of preparation, technical requirements and, of course, cost, serving as a base for your organization's own particular ERP needs.
SOURCE: New York State Government Finance Officers' Association Inc.
OFFERING: This template shared by the finance officers' association, courtesy of Infotivity Technologies, enables organizations to quickly and accurately select the best ERP solution for their needs. Promoted as a "ready-to-use" RFP outline for ERP software, this master document includes a detailed topic listing followed by sample RFP questions and vendor-response comparisons.
SOURCE: Management and Development Center
OFFERING: Scroll through ERP categories covering financials, human resources, process manufacturing management, inventory management, purchasing management, quality management, sales management and product technology to determine a strategic direction for your ERP RFP.
SOURCE: Warehousing Education and Research Council
OFFERING: Use this general RFP proposal writing guide to encourage potential providers to propose "creative, relevant and cost-effective solutions by focusing on the ends, not the means." WERC outlines the key sections of an RFP, from the statement of purpose to a process schedule for making a final decision.
Do you have a favorite free RFP template example for ERP? Email us at [email protected].