
How can IT convince users of the benefits of Windows 10?

Users may not see the Windows 10 improvements as an upgrade from their current OS. As a result, IT must highlight relevant new features to gain user support.

The benefits of Windows 10 may be lost on users who are resistant to change and would prefer to stick with a previous version of Windows or an alternative OS.

Regardless, IT professionals must get users on board with a move to Windows 10 so their organizations can stay up to date with the latest security and desktop capabilities. The trick in selling users on Windows 10 is that each user and organization is different.

This presents IT with a challenge because different benefits of Windows 10 will win over different users. The key is to explain to each user how Windows 10 can improve his PC experience.

Why do organizations migrate at all?

Users may ask why they have to change OSes in the first place because they prefer Windows XP or Windows 7. For them, the existing OS gets the job done, so there is no reason to fix what isn't broken. In addition, some users are just opposed to the challenge of learning how to work with a new OS.

As a result, IT must communicate why changing OSes is necessary. Microsoft support is essential, for example, and support for previous OSes is ending soon. Windows 7 extended support ends in 2020, and Windows 8.1 extended support ends in 2023. In addition, Microsoft is making Office 2019 support exclusive to Windows 10.

How can IT convince users to embrace Windows 10?

One way to win over users is to tell them about the improvements Windows 10 has. An IT pro might, for example, explain the security benefits of Windows 10, its support for newer hardware or even how much better the Microsoft Edge browser is at rendering webpages than Internet Explorer.

Windows 10 Hello
Hello for Windows 10

If nothing else, IT could try to win users over by explaining that Windows 10 can ensure that they won't have to remember any more passwords. If IT enables Windows Hello, the built-in facial recognition technology, a user can log in by scanning her face. The feature works surprisingly well and eliminates the need for passwords. The caveat is that it requires Intel's RealSense 3D camera to work.

IT could try to win users over by explaining that Windows 10 can ensure that they won't have to remember any more passwords.

Other users might prefer a competing OS, such as Linux or Apple macOS. IT is unlikely to convince those users that Windows 10 is superior to their OS of choice, so the next best thing is to create a compelling business use case for the benefits of Windows 10. IT could also focus on pain points associated with the user's preferred OS. For example, some Apple users hate the fact that they are stuck using one OS on their desktops or laptops and a different OS on their tablets and phones. IT can tell these users that Windows 10 is device-agnostic, meaning both desktops and tablets can run the same OS.

It is probably going to be a challenge to win over any users who are not immediately receptive to learning the benefits of Windows 10. With a bit of convincing, some users may be open to giving Windows 10 a try, however.

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