7 practice questions for Cisco 200-901 DevNet Associate exam

Ready for Cisco's introductory DevNet exam, DEVASC 200-901? Start your Cisco DevNet Associate training with this practice quiz directly from the official exam guidebook.

The Cisco DevNet certification track acts as an intersection for software developers that want to learn more about network infrastructure and for network professionals that want to learn more about programmability and automation.

For IT professionals interested in the DevNet track, training is the best place to start. The Associate exam is the first level in the DevNet track, and training provides DevNet hopefuls with labs, introductory content and practice quizzes to prepare for the Cisco DEVASC 200-901 exam. Network professionals can expect to learn Python and application troubleshooting, while software developers can expect to learn Cisco's networking fundamentals. They may even come out on the other side as network developers, according to authors Jason Gooley and Chris Jackson.

Aspiring network developers can further prepare with the book Cisco Certified DevNet Associate DEVASC 200-901 Official Cert Guide by Gooley, Jackson, Adrian Iliesiu and Ashutosh Malegaonkar. This guidebook was created with the DEVASC 200-901 exam blueprint as its base, so it lays out exactly what readers must know in their Cisco DevNet Associate training.

Gooley and Jackson said they and their co-authors developed this book as a central place where DevNet hopefuls could go to begin their Cisco DevNet Associate training and said it's a smorgasbord of all topics readers must know.

Below is the "Do I Know This Already?" quiz from Chapter 18, "IP Services." These seven questions cover network protocols, such as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), and OSI model Layers 2 and 3 network diagrams. Networking experts may have much of this knowledge already, but they can read and practice it in context with application troubleshooting and programmability involved in Cisco DevNet Associate training.

Kick-start your Cisco DevNet Associate training with this DevNet practice quiz, and make sure you know the basics before you dive into the more advanced topics within the DevNet certification track.

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