Try a network configuration quiz to study for Network+ exam

Use these sample questions from CompTIA's 'Official CompTIA Network+ Self-Paced Study Guide (Exam N10-008)' in preparation for your certification exam.

Network configuration is an essential part of operating a computer network. Configuration determines the design of a network regarding its type and topology. Network configuration also relates to how policies, rules, standards and protocols apply to the system.

As network environments become more complex and distributed, it's important for practitioners to have a solid understanding of their system configurations. Network professionals can more easily make changes, update systems or implement new technologies when they understand how their networks function.

Receiving a CompTIA Network+ certification is one way for aspiring network professionals to earn a career in networking and become proficient in all things related to the field. Candidates can use James Pengelly's book, The Official CompTIA Network+ Self-Paced Study Guide (Exam N10-008), from CompTIA, as study material.

The book focuses on several networking-related subjects, including network security, Ethernet networks, wireless networks, cloud architectures, data center networking and more. "Lesson 8: Explaining Network Topologies and Types" centers on the different types of network structures, topologies, virtual LAN (VLAN) configuration and more.

Book cover of The Official CompTIA Network+ Student Guide (Exam N10-008)Click here to learn more about
the book.

Learn more with The Official CompTIA Network+ Self-Paced Study Guide (Exam N10-008) by James Pengelly

Read author James Pengelly's tips for test-takers studying network design.

See what networking concepts Pengelly covers in the study guide.

The following network configuration quiz consists of questions from Pengelly's book. Test your understanding of network types, topologies and VLANs. Then, read his advice on what test-takers should focus on when preparing for their exams.

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