Practice Microsoft SC-100 exam questions with answers

Use these practice multiple-choice questions, with answers, to assess your knowledge of the Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect exam.

The Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect certification helps prove that cybersecurity professionals understand and know how to design a zero trust-focused cybersecurity strategy and architecture. Those who have earned the certification can also showcase they have the knowledge to create an evolving strategy that will keep their organization secure.

Microsoft recommends candidates have experience in identity and access management (IAM), platform protection, security operations, and application and data security.

The exam covers the following five key areas:

  1. Design a zero-trust strategy and architecture (30%-35% of the exam).
  2. Evaluate governance, risk and compliance technical strategies and security operations strategies (10%-15%).
  3. Design security for infrastructure (10%-15%).
  4. Design a strategy for data and applications (15%-20%).
  5. Recommend security best practices and priorities (20%-25%).

Candidates have 100 minutes to take the 40- to 60-question exam, which can be conducted in person or online, both of which are proctored. The exam can consist of case studies, multiple-choice, modified true/false, drag-and-drop, drop-down fill-in and best-answer-scenario questions. Technical exams are scored from 1 to 1,000, with a passing score of 700. The certification is valid for one year.

Those preparing to take the Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect exam can use these sample multiple-choice questions from Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect Exam Ref SC-100 by Dwayne Natwick for an idea of the questions they may see on exam day.

To learn more about preparing for the exam check out an interview with Natwick. Also, check out an excerpt from Natwick's book on tackling hybrid IAM with Azure AD Connect.

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