Test your grasp of AI threats, privacy regulations and more

Test your grasp of current security topics like AI in cybersecurity and what privacy regulations require. Then receive CPE credit by passing this quiz.

Anyone who enters the cybersecurity field quickly get used to its fast pace of change. The tools and techniques cybersecurity professionals use to keep company data, systems and other assets safe are always evolving.

The pace of that change recently shifted into high gear, though, thanks to the arrival of AI. Even if your company isn't deep into the use of AI-enabled tech, the attackers targeting you are. Smart tech doesn't always mean good tech. That's why the November 2019 issue of Information Security magazine focuses on AI threats, not just the advantages.

Another key issue company leaders continually struggle with is finding qualified staff. Given the increasing sophistication of attackers, the risk to companies with half-staffed teams is getting higher. In the November issue of Information Security, therefore, we take a deep dive and uncover some innovative ways companies are finding people with the right skills and otherwise filling vacancies on their cybersecurity team. Also in the issue, readers will get invaluable advice on how to focus their privacy compliance efforts and how to implement an effective plan for incident response.

Reading our magazine is one key way that CISOs, infosec pros and others interested in cybersecurity can stay up on the latest developments in the field, from the danger of AI threats to new ideas on hiring. Our expert writers help you solve your most pressing problems. Not only that, but by passing this 10-question quiz, you both solidify your newfound knowledge and receive CPE credit.

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