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10 cybersecurity experts to follow on social media

Cybersecurity experts provide valuable insights into the security landscape. Follow this curated list of recognized authorities to stay informed and safeguard your digital assets.

The field of cybersecurity is rapidly evolving and adapting to new threats and technologies.

The cost of cybercrime is expected to hit $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to a report by Cybersecurity Ventures. With countless threats looming in cyberspace, you might have questions about how to stay informed and protect your digital assets.

An effective way to stay ahead of the curve is to follow cybersecurity experts on social media platforms. These individuals are subject matter experts who share their research and insights on the latest threats, cyber attack techniques and emerging trends in cybersecurity.

But in this era of information overload with so many self-proclaimed experts on social media, it can be challenging to discern who the real experts are. This curated list addresses this issue, highlighting trustworthy and trending experts on cybersecurity.

1. Chuck Brooks

X: @ChuckDBrooks

Chuck Brooks is considered a thought leader in cybersecurity, information systems and emerging technologies. His contributions to cybersecurity can be found in conferences, university settings and well-known publications, such as The Washington Post, Homeland Security Today and Forbes. He has received many awards and recognitions for his work, underscoring his influence and effect on the field.

Why follow Chuck Brooks on social media? Due to his multifaceted background in government, private industry and academia, Brooks brings a diverse perspective to cybersecurity challenges and opportunities.

2. Graham Cluley

X: @gcluley

Graham Cluley is an award-winning security blogger, public speaker, researcher and podcaster. Cluley has held senior positions at Sophos and McAfee and assisted law enforcement agencies in probing hacking groups. In 2011, he was inducted into the Infosecurity Europe Hall of Fame. Graham is also a co-host of the Smashing Security podcast.

Why follow Graham Cluley on social media? Cluley provides concise and relevant reports on security topics that are always coupled with helpful tips for readers.

3. Andy Greenberg

X: @a_greenberg

Andy Greenberg is a renowned author and journalist who has written extensively about technology and cybersecurity. As a senior writer for the technology magazine Wired, Greenberg has written about a variety of cybersecurity-related subjects, including privacy, digital forensics, digital rights, cyberwarfare and hacking.

Why follow Andy Greenberg on social media? Greenberg's work is characterized by in-depth research, captivating storytelling and a great awareness of the complexity of the cybersecurity landscape.

4. Robert Herjavec

X: @robertherjavec

Robert Herjavec is a businessman, best-selling author, car aficionado and a trusted cybersecurity expert who appears on ABC's show Shark Tank. He serves as the CEO of a cybersecurity company and also contributes to Cybercrime Magazine's Cybersecurity CEO blog.

Why follow Robert Herjavec on social media? Herjavec is a sought-after speaker and author, who shares valuable insights and expertise on cybersecurity trends and best practices.

5. Mikko Hyppönen

X: @mikko

Mikko Hyppönen is a respected cybersecurity expert, researcher and keynote speaker. He often shares his insights on global cybersecurity challenges and the importance of privacy in the digital age. Hyppönen's TED talk from 2011 has been viewed by more than 1.5 million people and translated into more than 40 languages.

Why follow Mikko Hyppönen on social media? Hyppönen is an expert in threat intelligence and combating cyberthreats. He also assists law enforcement agencies around the globe in investigating high-profile security breaches.

6. Brian Krebs

X: @briankrebs

Brian Krebs is a renowned investigative journalist and cybersecurity expert. He provides extensive research and reporting on cybercrime, hacking and data breaches. His blog -- KrebsOnSecurity -- is a trusted source of information for individuals and organizations looking to stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats. He's known for his ability to unveil the inner workings of cybercriminal networks and has traveled far and wide to uncover card skimmers hidden inside ATM machines.

Why follow Brian Krebs on social media? Krebs provides a comprehensive analysis of security issues, ranging from phishing and online scams to skimmers and internet security.

7. Theresa Payton

X: @TrackerPayton

Theresa Payton is a cybersecurity professional, speaker and security consultant with extensive experience and expertise. She served as the first female chief information officer (CIO) at the White House, where she oversaw IT operations for President George W. Bush and his staff. She's also a prolific author who regularly shares her insights on the intersection of cybersecurity and national security.

Why follow Theresa Payton on social media? Payton offers valuable advice on topics such as cybersecurity strategy, identity thefts, privacy and insider threats.

8. Shira Rubinoff

X: @Shirastweet

Shira Rubinoff is a trusted adviser, public speaker and thought leader for women in technology. She serves as the president and co-founder of a company focused on helping businesses follow legal compliance and safeguard their reputations. Shira has played a pivotal role in raising awareness about cybersecurity and promoting security best practices for individuals and organizations.

Why follow Shira Rubinoff on social media? Rubinoff has a knack for explaining intricate information security concepts to diverse audiences on her YouTube channel.

9. Bruce Schneier

X: @schneierblog

Bruce Schneier is a renowned computer security expert, speaker, cryptographer and the author of several books on security and cryptography. Schneier's work has advanced encryption techniques and a deeper understanding of security vulnerabilities. Using his extensive knowledge and expertise, he also promotes good security hygiene and practices.

Why follow Bruce Schneier on social media? Schneier offers a fearless approach to addressing security issues on his blog, which continues to inspire a new generation of experts.

10. Bob Sullivan

X: @RedTapeChron

Bob Sullivan is an author and investigative journalist with a career spanning two decades. He's best known for his expertise in cybersecurity, personal finance and consumer protection. Sullivan covers many topics on his website, including online scams, identity theft and financial fraud. His work has been featured in prominent publications such as The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times and on NBC News.

Why follow Bob Sullivan on social media? Sullivan offers practical advice to individuals looking to navigate the ever-changing landscape of personal finance and digital security.

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