Browse Definitions :

Software development

Definitions related to software development, including tech terms about programming and words and phrases about Scrum, Agile and waterfall methodologies.

Agile software development

Definitions related to agile software development, including terms about Scrum and words and phrases about user stories, extreme programming (XP), Crystal, feature-driven development and Adaptive.

  • What is a sprint (software development)?

    In Agile product development and software project management, a sprint is a set period of time during which specific work has to be completed and made ready for review.

  • What is a build server?

    A build server, also called a continuous integration server (CI server), is a centralized, stable and reliable environment for building distributed development projects.

  • What is shift-right testing?

    Shift-right testing is a method of continuously testing software while it is in a post-production environment.

View All Agile software development Definitions


Definitions about software applications and development including operating system vocabulary, programming terminology, words about Internet applications and terms used in app/dev.

  • What is a software stack?

    A software stack is a collection of independent components that work together to support the execution of an application.

  • What is value-sensitive design?

    Value-sensitive design is a concept that advocates the consideration of human principles and standards when planning technology.

  • What is FTP?

    File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a network protocol for transmitting files between computers over TCP/IP connections.

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This glossary contains definitions related to the DevOps movement. Some definitions explain the meaning of words used to describe how a DevOps culture breaks down silos between software development and operations teams. Other definitions are related to the software tools that DevOps engineers use to lower costs, achieve higher productivity and automate tasks.

  • What is a software stack?

    A software stack is a collection of independent components that work together to support the execution of an application.

  • What is a sprint (software development)?

    In Agile product development and software project management, a sprint is a set period of time during which specific work has to be completed and made ready for review.

  • What is AWS? Ultimate guide to Amazon Web Services

    AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform provided by Amazon. It includes a mixture of infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service and packaged software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings.

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Definitions related to software programming, including tech terms about programming languages and words and phrases about software design, coding, testing and debugging.

  • What is asynchronous?

    In general, asynchronous -- from Greek asyn- ('not with/together') and chronos ('time') -- describes objects or events not coordinated in time.

  • What is machine code (machine language)?

    Machine code, also known as ‘machine language’ or ‘native code,’ is the elemental language of computers. It is read by the computer’s central processing unit (CPU), is composed of digital binary numbers and looks like a very long sequence of zeros and ones.

  • What is natural language processing (NLP)?

    Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability of a computer program to understand human language as it’s spoken and written -- referred to as natural language.

View All Programming Definitions Back to Top
  • What is asynchronous?

    In general, asynchronous -- from Greek asyn- ('not with/together') and chronos ('time') -- describes objects or events not ...

  • What is a URL (Uniform Resource Locator)?

    A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique identifier used to locate a resource on the internet.

  • What is FTP?

    File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a network protocol for transmitting files between computers over TCP/IP connections.

  • What is data storytelling?

    Data storytelling is the process of translating complex data analyses into understandable terms to inform a business decision or ...

  • What is demand shaping?

    Demand shaping is an operational supply chain management (SCM) strategy where a company uses tactics such as price incentives, ...

  • What is data monetization?

    Data monetization is the process of measuring the economic benefit of corporate data.

Customer Experience
  • What is Salesforce Commerce Cloud?

    Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a cloud-based suite of products that enable e-commerce businesses to set up e-commerce sites, drive ...

  • What is multichannel marketing?

    Multichannel marketing refers to the practice of companies interacting with customers via multiple direct and indirect channels ...

  • What is a contact center?

    A contact center is a central point from which organizations manage all customer interactions across various channels.
