Computer science

Definitions about computer science including computing fundamentals vocabulary, protocol and standards terminology, words about microprocessors and terms used in electronics.


Terms related to electronics, including definitions about electrical components and words and phrases about computers, laptops parts, digital cameras, televisions and home appliances.

  • What is a diode?

    A diode is a specialized electronic component, specifically a two-terminal semiconductor device, with two electrodes called the anode and the cathode.

  • What is SRAM (static random access memory)?

    SRAM (static RAM) is a type of random access memory (RAM) that retains data bits in its memory as long as power is being supplied.

  • Android OS

    Android OS is a Linux-based mobile operating system that primarily runs on smartphones and tablets.

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Internet technologies

This glossary contains terms related to Internet technologies, including definitions about port numbers, standards and protocols and words and phrases about how the Internet works.

  • What is a web server?

    A web server is software and hardware that uses HTTP and other protocols to respond to client requests made over the World Wide Web.

  • What is a recommendation engine?

    A recommendation engine is a system that gives customers recommendations based on their behavior patterns and similarities to people who might have shared preferences.

  • What is the digital divide?

    The digital divide is the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology (ICT) and those with no or restricted access.

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IT standards and organizations

Terms related to information technology (IT) standards, including definitions about IT organizations and words and phrases about policies and compliance.

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Terms related to microprocessors, including definitions about silicon chips and words and phrases about computer processors.

  • What is a transistor?

    A transistor is a miniature semiconductor that regulates or controls current or voltage flow in addition to amplifying and generating these electrical signals and acting as a switch/gate for them.

  • Intel

    Intel is the world's largest manufacturer of central processing units and semiconductors.

  • What is AMD Ryzen?

    AMD Ryzen is the brand name for Advanced Micro Devices' line of desktop and mobile processors.

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Terms related to robotics, including definitions about consumer or manufacturing robots and words and phrases about stepper motor systems, XY positioning tables, automation and artificial intelligence.

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