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The future of mixed reality across industries

More organizations in all industries are starting to use augmented reality glasses and software, but the bulky headset and premium price tag are major barriers to entry for most industries and job roles. Mixed reality glasses are on the rise, capitalizing on the plethora of AR uses and advancing business applications with sleeker and lighter form factors, advanced computing power and more capabilities. In fact, 68% of workers believe that MR will play an important role in helping to achieve their companies’ strategic goals over the next 18 months, according to a report that Microsoft commissioned from Harvard Business Review.

Today, more and more AR and MR technology is making its way into different organizations, including airline, automotive, engineering, architecture, field services and healthcare. Many companies use smart glasses or only AR software, but MR technology has continued to evolve, and the industry now expects full end-to-end packages that include both MR glasses and AR software for customers and employees.

MR is bringing forth a new era of hands-free human interaction. Users can directly interact with the surrounding objects or people while smart glasses display digital information in their field of view and connect users to remote experts. For example, workers could use MR glasses and advanced AR software for remote expert aid and 3D capture capabilities across industries.

Remote Expert Aid: A worker can rely on their live point of view through MR smart glasses to connect with a remote expert, while receiving live or audio instructions. This not only will improve troubleshooting by visualizing overlaid precise digital information, but will also allow the remote expert to see and guide workers through each step of the task. In the “Enterprise Training with Augmented Reality” white paper, Re’flekt researchers found that AR instructions overlaid in 3D resulted in an 82% reduction in the error rate for assembly tasks, 50% faster task performance and 60% increase in learning time. Live instructions could help in urgent cases, such as if a nurse is aiding a patient and needs to call a doctor for assistance, they can easily stream their live point of view to a remote healthcare expert for additional help. Airline workers can save data on any work processes for future reference or audio instructions, such as fixing a wing electrical system.

3D Capture Capabilities: While on site, workers can generate an accurate 3D computer-aided design model of anything they are working on or looking at, whether that is an onsite location or piece of machinery. Along with capturing accurate models, workers can overlay existing designs or instructions on top of machinery to have everything they need in their immediate line of view. They can then easily save all 3D-generated content for future reference in a secure database. Railroad workers can apply the technology to wayside track device locations, such as finding track signs or markers at their expected, predefined geolocation. Logistics workers can use the tech to generate an accurate 3D model of a package or scene during the logistic process.

MR technology streamlines communication to save money and give workers within the organization the resources they need to maximize productivity, improve key performance indicators and improve worker safety.

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