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February 2019, Vol. 20, No. 1

CISO tackles banking cybersecurity and changing roles

Thomas Hill, CISO at Live Oak Bank, a direct bank with no local branches, oversaw a reorientation to the cloud that transformed the bank's security, adding features such as real-time big data event log storage and AI security analysis, all while maintaining a stable headcount. Hill is a graduate of Saint Leo University in Tampa, Fla., with a Bachelor of Science in business administration and an MBA with a specialty focus in management of information systems and security. He also holds several industry information technology and security certifications, including CISSP and Certified Information Security Manager. We talked to him about banking cybersecurity and the insights his various security roles have given him. You wrote recently on LinkedIn about the difference between being a leader and being a manager -- and the key traits of a leader. How did you progress in your career from management to leadership? Thomas Hill: Anybody can manage. Not everybody can lead. I joined the Air Force when I was 18, and we had a motto: Lead, ...

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