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February 2019, Vol. 20, No. 1

Top 10 CISO concerns for 2019 span a wide range of issues

When asked about the top CISO concerns he sees now, cybersecurity leader Robert LaMagna-Reiter said his own primarily involve taking a turn toward the business side. As the CISO at FNTS, an IT strategy and managed services company, LaMagna-Reiter wants his priorities list to more closely align with the stated top objectives of his company's business executives. It's a work in progress and a task he'll focus on in the upcoming months, he said. "We've been striving to better communicate security risks, … to be better aligned, to make our KPIs [key performance indicators] more meaningful and to make our relationships more meaningful so -- as the organization's strategic roadmaps evolve -- we can communicate our value and the resources we need to do what we need," he said. LaMagna-Reiter ticked off his priorities that are helping improve alignment: ensuring the security of cloud services for FNTS' holding company, First National of Nebraska Inc. and its other clients; implementing newer technologies, such as automation, into its ...

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