Risk & Repeat: RSAC 2018 recap, part two

In this week's Risk & Repeat podcast, SearchSecurity editors discuss more trends and takeaways from RSA Conference 2018, from incident response services to AI and automation.
RSA Conference 2018 offered the usual menu of machine learning, artificial intelligence and other old favorites, but this year's event also welcomed new themes on incident response services, security automation and more.
Part two of Risk & Repeat's RSAC 2018 recap looks back at how several speakers and attendees at the show weighed in on the challenges for enterprise incident response services and how much of those services can be effectively automated with machine learning and AI. Crowdstrike, for example, believes security automation for threat analysis will improve enterprise response times, while security expert Bruce Schneier cautioned against taking human infosec professionals out of the incident response loop.
Other major topics discussed in this recap include how threat actors are abusing longtime network protocols and internet infrastructure such as the domain name system; the risk of potential bias in AI and machine learning algorithms; and the lack of women infosec speakers at the show and how RSA Conference may respond next year.
How much of incident response can be turned over to security automation and orchestration systems? Are there too many point products that cater to niche problems? How can the infosec industry get organizations to move off of outdated platforms and protocols? SearchSecurity editors Rob Wright and Peter Loshin discuss those questions and more in part two of Risk & Repeat's RSAC 2018 recap.