BQE expands Core portfolio, launches new Core HR software

The new Core HR software is the latest module addition to the Core portfolio. Core HR was designed in an effort to reduce the time HR employees spend doing paperwork.

BQE Software Inc. has expanded its Core portfolio with Core HR, which enables benefits tracking, salary history tracking, employee journal and incident tracking, certifications, awards, paid time off and employee reviews.

The Core HR software was designed with the goal of reducing the amount of time spent on administrative paperwork. According to BQE, Core HR automates benefits management, operational tasks and people-related entries.

BQE also claimed that having an automated and streamlined HR platform reduces the risk of being noncompliant. Additionally, Core HR has secure information storage and retrieval for records, documents and forms.

In an effort to provide a full picture into employee performance, Core HR integrates information from project management and accounting data within the other Core modules. This enables users to view salary history, benefits and the full-year cost of each employee.

Other existing Core modules include accounting, time and expense tracking, and billing, among others.

The accounting module enables users to manage vendor bills and purchase orders, write checks and reconcile accounts, access journal entries and the general ledger, and generate balance sheets.

Time and expense tracking enables users to track time with timecards and timers, record expenses in multiple currencies, and attach receipts and auto-populate timesheets with the previous week's information.

Billing lets users tailor communications with customizable invoice templates, choose from different billing templates and send multiple invoices in a single email.

A variety of options exist for companies of all sizes looking for HR software. For instance, Kronos Workforce sells products for workforce management, human capital management, SMBs, different industries and suites that are all-encompassing. Workforce Ready HR, part of the Workforce Ready suite, also stresses the importance of spending less time on paperwork and improving compliance.

Core HR is available now as part of the Core suite and is available on Android and iOS.

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