6 practice questions for SD-WAN certification training

Before you start SD-WAN certification training, try this quiz from Cisco's official SD-WAN guidebook, which covers onboarding and provisioning devices, as well as SD-WAN templates.

When Cisco puts a technology on one of its exams, it's about 200% sure the technology is necessary for the industry. So, the time to learn software-defined technologies, such as software-defined WAN, is now.

As more organizations look to reduce network complexity, increase simplicity and streamline workflows, SD-WAN and software-defined technologies will become more popular and increase the likelihood that network engineers will require SD-WAN training. Cisco features SD-WAN on its three main certification tracks -- Cisco Certified Network Associate, Cisco Certified Network Professional and Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert -- according to authors Jason Gooley and Dustin Schuemann. Regardless of a network engineer's certification path, SD-WAN certification training is critical.

To prepare for these exams, readers can explore Cisco Software-Defined Wide Area Networks: Designing, Deploying and Securing Your Next Generation WAN with Cisco SD-WAN by Gooley, Shuemann, Dana Yanch and John Curran. This guidebook isn't solely a certification guide; it also details information critical to SD-WAN deployments.

Below is the chapter review quiz from Chapter 4, "Onboarding and Provisioning," from the guidebook. These six questions review critical information gleaned from the chapter and provide insight into the information Cisco may require in its SD-WAN certification training.

Even if some network engineers don't think SD-WAN certification training is the path for them, they may find this information useful because it not only provides a way to benefit their careers and further their educations, but because many organizations will eventually implement SD-WAN technology -- if they haven't already -- into their network environments. As the industry heads toward software, networking professionals would do well to develop these skills, too.

Start off your SD-WAN certification training with this SD-WAN quiz to see what you know and what you still need to learn about the technology. Then, discover what Gooley and Schuemann believe networking pros should know for SD-WAN deployments.

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