Try a CCNA 200-301 practice quiz from the official cert guide

This practice quiz provides a sneak peek into the new 'CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 1,' which reflects Cisco's CCNA certification and exam redesigns.

If you work as a network professional or aspire to become one, you've likely heard of the Cisco Certified Network Associate certification program. You've also likely spent a considerable amount of time studying and preparing for the CCNA exams.

The studying process can be tedious, time-consuming and daunting, and it helps to have detailed training materials and guidelines to properly prepare for the certification. But networks are changing, which has spurred accompanying changes in network engineer skills and certifications.

In June 2019, Cisco announced it would drastically redesign its existing CCNA curriculum, merging multiple certification tracks into a single, more comprehensive CCNA exam. The new CCNA 200-301 exam -- available Feb. 24, 2020 -- will add security, automation and programmability topics, while continuing its emphasis on networking fundamentals, such as IP routing and network access.

For network pros, this redesign means new CCNA curriculum to study and understand -- and we're here to help. Below is a practice quiz extracted from CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 1, available on Sept. 27, 2019. The six quiz questions focus on areas related to IP routing in the LAN, such as the following:

  • Virtual LAN routing with 802.1Q trunks;
  • VLAN routing with Layer 3 switch configurations using switched virtual interfaces (SVI); and
  • VLAN routing with Layer 3 switch routed ports.

For more information on the quiz answers and for a sneak peek into CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 1, download a PDF book excerpt here.

Practice makes perfect, so let's get started.

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