Enterprise AI collaboration tools take tips from dating apps
Enterprise AI collaboration is turning to an unlikely source for inspiration: dating apps that have long used machine-learning based personalization and communication.
While humans are born with the innate ability to interact with others, communication and relationships don't always come easy. In personal and professional human-to-human interactions, artificial intelligence and machine learning are providing real benefits.
From smoothing interactions within enterprise teams and across organizations to optimizing communication between people of different personality types, AI collaboration systems are being used to enhance increasingly disconnected physical interactions. Organizations are turning to technologies popularized in dating apps and matchmaking services to help make interpersonal professional communications, interactions and relationships more effective.
Help create better matches
Online matchmaking sites have long built in-depth profiles of their users to improve the likelihood of compatibility between two users by analyzing a variety of personality traits, such as level of agreeableness, extroversion/introversion or openness to embrace change. The latest evolution of these online dating systems is enhanced with machine learning algorithms to determine a user's best matches based on personality traits gleaned from previous interactions.
Companies can easily apply the development of detailed personality profiles and machine learning-based matching to Enterprise collaboration and professional relationships. Through the use of behavior modeling and surveys, organizations can provide a hyperpersonalized approach to matching existing employees with projects and opportunities.
In addition, behavior modeling and personality profiles can assist in matching job applicants with internal work teams or on-site client projects. Just as with AI-enhanced dating apps, AI-enabled collaboration tools can identify the workflow traits of top salespeople and match them with ideal customers, or use them as a pattern against which to match potential sales hires.
As long as organizations avoid issues relating to bias and selection, these systems can augment management and hiring to greatly improve overall organizational efficiency -- especially in small organizations.

Presentation is key
Part of what makes a dating profile effective is the use of eye-catching photos. In many ways, you're selling yourself as a viable candidate for a relationship. Poor matches result in dissatisfied customers, which can have a negative business impact on the dating site or app.
Dating app heavyweight Tinder released a feature that uses machine learning algorithms to analyze users' most popular photos, and it automatically adjusts the order in which photos are shown to showcase the most popular photo first.
In effect, the app borrows from the marketing concept of A/B testing to automatically try out different combinations and variations and find the optimal result. Rather than requiring the user to figure it out on their own, the system automatically provides this functionality through the use of AI and automation.
Dating apps are also turning to AI to help analyze chat logs between users to determine their conversational compatibility and to encourage users to meet in person by providing words of encouragement, reminders or suggest lines of communication that pair up with both personalities.
This approach is being increasingly implemented in enterprise messaging and collaboration software. AI-enabled collaboration platforms can suggest interactions between marketing or salespeople and potential customers to boost sales between solutions professionals and their clients, and even between employees within an organization to boost collaboration.
By using AI-enabled conversational analysis, programs can monitor conversations and provide real-time suggestions on how to handle sensitive questions or situations, help up-sell clients, and provide augmented intelligence support as needed.
Risk analysis
With the booming popularity of relationship apps, developers are turning to AI-enabled computer vision to provide constant content monitoring and moderation. The systems can automatically detect inappropriate pictures or determine when sentiment is heading in an abusive direction.
These AI systems can then give users a risk score and block high risk users from the site. The systems can also rank users based on a variety of factors, such as complaints, activity level in the app, and use of tampered or fake pictures.
AI-enabled enterprise apps and messaging systems are likewise using AI-enabled capabilities to provide constant monitoring of messages. These systems can filter inappropriate, offensive or off-brand content, comments or ads on your site. They can also monitor for images or documents that fall afoul of company guidelines and regulations.
Message filtering can enhance productive content and working environments. As users utilize apps to help with personal and professional communication, AI is flourishing as a tool to improve interpersonal relationships.