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How to choose between Windows 10 IoT and Linux
Choosing between Windows IoT and Linux for IoT device management might seem like an obvious choice, but six core factors could sway IT leaders to make an unexpected decision.
As IoT devices have grown increasingly complex and sophisticated, the OS options for managing that fleet of IoT devices often come down to a choice between Windows IoT and Linux.
Windows has several options for use with IoT devices, ranging from the lightweight Windows 10 IoT Core to the more resource-intensive Windows Server IoT and Windows IoT Enterprise. Meanwhile, Linux offers several specialized distributions for IoT devices and can scale from a system-on-a-chip to high-end hardware.
Choosing between Windows IoT and Linux comes down to six core factors. Dive into each and explore the benefits and pitfalls of each approach to determine which to pursue for IoT fleet management.
1. Integration with the established environment
While it might not be the first thing that comes to mind, a fundamental consideration is how well the IoT platform fits into other platforms and tools that are in use. There's a steep learning curve for developers and administrators who must adapt to an environment that differs from what they're used to.
2. Cost
While Linux doesn't require a license, certain distributions require licenses for certain use cases. Developing with Linux gives the most flexibility and options for customization, but it requires more effort from developers. For that reason, the project might cost less if Windows is used to build a more standard approach.
On the other hand, Windows requires a license from Microsoft, which estimates $0.30 per month, per device for Windows IoT 10 Core. Windows Server IoT 2022 is licensed through OEM partners only, and Windows 11 IoT Enterprise is available through distributors, with pricing highly dependent on region and needs.
3. Hardware support
One of the benefits of choosing Microsoft for customers who use other Microsoft products is the support and documentation for tools that architects, developers and administrators are already familiar with. However, that requires a hardware platform supported by Microsoft. Although online documentation lists support for most devices, Windows isn't an option for dedicated devices with rarely used chipsets.
Linux can run on almost any platform thanks to its open source nature and long list of distributions.
4. Customization
The options for customizing Windows for IoT devices are limited to what Microsoft offers. With Linux, customization options are nearly unlimited, but the effort of doing so could have a significant impact on the cost of your project.
5. Security
There are some specific considerations IT and business leaders need to consider for IoT security. Compared to IoT devices, the attack surface for desktops and servers is much larger, but they run full operating systems with many services and applications that can be vectors for attack. For IoT devices, the operating systems are trimmed down to a minimum, creating a smaller but still present attack surface.
Linux benefits from extensive community support, which often helps identify and patch vulnerabilities quickly. For Windows, customers are always dependent on Microsoft to offer patches and updates.
6. Centralized management
When IoT devices are deployed in the field, they need to be inventoried, monitored and kept updated. Many tools can manage IoT devices at scale, from large cloud-based platforms such as Azure IoT Hub and AWS IoT Device Management to open source platforms such as ThingsBoard, Mender and several other vendors that provide software for IoT device management. Some Linux distributions also have management tools, such as Ubuntu Core IoT device management.
The features to look for in these products are configuration management with role-based access control, keeping inventory of devices, monitoring and security. One of the major features to evaluate is how to handle updates, especially for rollbacks when updates go wrong. Equally important are the protocols supported by the platform. Most use Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, Advanced Message Queuing Protocol and HTTPS, but more esoteric protocols, such as Secure Socket Shell for remote access, might not be included.
There are centralized management systems available for both Windows and Linux, so it's usually a matter of finding one that fits your needs rather than being a critical deciding factor.
Windows 10 IoT or Linux?
For organizations that require integration with their Microsoft-based platform and have a Microsoft-centric developer team, Windows IoT will usually be the best fit. It's ideal for situations when hardware requirements and licensing costs are not a limiting factor and a standardized approach would suffice.
Linux is usually the better choice when running on slimmer and leaner hardware, and the IoT platform can use standard protocols to integrate with your existing infrastructure. And when extensive customization is a requirement, Linux is the best choice.
Rob Bastiaansen is an independent trainer and consultant based in the Netherlands specializing in VMware and Linux. He writes articles for several print and online publications and is the founder of VMwarebits.com, a site dedicated to technical content related to VMware.