Aysling launches new vendor management software

Vendor Management is a cloud-based software designed to help businesses manage their vendors and vendors' employees. It lets users track payments, store files, see invoices and more.

Aysling LLC has launched Aysling Vendor Management, cloud-based software designed to help users manage their vendor's projects, payments and purchase orders.

Vendor Management enables companies to manage vendors and vendor employees such as contractors and freelancers, as well as manage vendor payments. The platform also includes vendor portals that let companies coordinate and communicate.

The software also stores uploaded files, such as W9s and contracts, in vendors' records. Users can then create custom fields for advanced filtering and search capabilities. The vendor details page also lists vendor purchase history, invoice history and payment history.

The platform also features time track and payment modules, purchase order management, project tracking and time tracking, invoice matching, payment management, vendor portals and expense account management.

Vendors can access their projects, timesheets and invoices through their vendor portal, as well as accept or reject purchase orders, submit invoices for payment and communicate with the business.

As the number of external employees grows, so do the types of platforms available for human resources departments to manage them. In June, Sterling launched a selfie-based software called VerifyID that enables businesses to confirm an external employee's identity during a background check. It uses AI technology to compare a selfie with government issued identification forms, such as a driver's license.

SAP Fieldglass is another vendor for managing an external workforce. It was designed to integrate with any human capital management system in an effort to abolish the silos companies have when it comes to managing internal versus external workforce. SAP Fieldglass automates processes and eliminates administrative tasks throughout the management lifecycle.

VendorInsight also provides software for managing external vendors. Users can create, manage and update vendor records; set up vendor due diligence folders for projects; manage contact information; customize data fields to classify vendors; view vendor risk and performance summaries; view spend profiles; manage documentation across multiple contracts, products or services; and archive vendor or project records.

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