E-Handbook: HR technologies solidify HR employee experience near and far Article 1 of 4

Technology just one variable in employee experience equation

HR technologies have a sketchy connection to HR employee experience strategy. On one hand, the more astute HR practitioners know that technology is not a substitute for a nurturing corporate culture and can actually detract from it. On the other hand, commonly used HR technologies for recruitment, training, performance management and employee engagement are known to have a major effect on worker satisfaction, productivity and loyalty.

Such subtleties haven't stopped vendors of HR technologies from claiming to have the elixirs that can improve the employee experience. This handbook examines the difference between the most helpful HR tools and the shiny objects that may just as easily hurt an employee experience initiative.

First is a roundup of seven strategies to combine tech mastery and agility while remaining mindful of the employee experience. It's important to know the difference between a technology's user friendliness and the employee experience -- a much more holistic discipline that takes emotions, organizational culture and physical workspaces into account, along with the virtual workspaces assembled by IT.

Next, experts look at the emerging HR technologies for recruiting, especially AI and chatbots, and their role in helping candidates feel connected to, and informed about, prospective employers. Making a good first impression is especially important in attracting and developing talent in the tech sector, one of the few labor segments that has remained in demand during the COVID-19 pandemic. Technology professionals with skills in enterprise software, video streaming and IoT have an acute eye when judging their anticipated employee experience -- starting with the technological savvy of recruiters.

Finally, an industry analyst offers tips on helping employees stay connected and productive while working remotely. That's HR employee experience advice that can serve organizations well in times of crisis and beyond.