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February 2018, Vol. 9, No. 1

Consolidating overlapping tools for enterprise collaboration

Before tools for enterprise collaboration were mainstream, employees largely used stand-alone applications like telephony, email, messaging and chat applications, and video and audio conferencing. That was the norm in the absence of a single collaborative environment. While there were natural inefficiencies in cost and workflows, employees were reasonably productive, and they were not clamoring for more efficient collaboration tools. But the ongoing availability of new communications tools and features -- many of which are free on the internet -- offers end users multiple options to choose from, which can lead to overlapping features. If anything, this is making collaboration more challenging. With so much duplication among communications tools, IT needs a plan, especially if companies want to deploy unified communications (UC) to improve collaboration across the enterprise. How to consolidate tools for enterprise collaboration The value proposition for UC has always been difficult to articulate, mainly because it doesn't solve ...

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