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April 2018, Vol. 6, No. 2

IT teams take big data security issues into their own hands

When TMW Systems Inc. began building a big data environment to run advanced analytics applications three years ago, the first step wasn't designing and implementing the Hadoop-based architecture -- rather, it involved putting together a framework to secure the data going into the new platform. "I started with the security model," said Timothy Leonard, TMW's executive vice president of operations and CTO. "I wanted my customers to know that when it comes to the security of their data, it's like Fort Knox -- the data is protected. Then I built the rest of the environment on top of it." Big data security issues shouldn't be an afterthought in deployments of Hadoop, Spark and related technologies, according to technology analysts and experienced IT managers. That's partly because of the importance of safeguarding data against theft or misuse -- and partly because of the work it typically takes to create effective defenses in data lakes and other big data systems. Timothy Leonard TMW, which develops transportation management software...

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