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April 2018, Vol. 6, No. 2

IoT, edge computing spawn new security issues

In the beginning, the internet was created. It was thought to be good and evolved into internet of things that compute collected data out on the edge. Then, the edge begat fog computing, and the fog brought forth many new concerns about data security and privacy. The breathe-in, breathe-out cycle of enterprise processing power -- that endless loop of centralize and decentralize that defined the past few decades -- has always heralded in new security paradigms. So as we watch IoT and edge computing morph into fog computing and as the enterprise necessarily becomes more dependent on mobile computing to get its daily chores done, we shouldn't be at all surprised to see yet another layer of security developing around us. In simple terms, the more doors and windows that are placed in a building, the more breaking and entering avenues are created for thieves. Which begs the question: How are we securing all these doors and windows? Sudden vulnerability as fog sets in A brief Google search reveals that the biggest security threats to ...

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