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Stack ranking doesn't meet the standards of today's CIOs

Pretty much nobody thought stack ranking was a good idea at Microsoft. In fact, it so stank, it was finally put to rest this week in favor of a more employee-empowering, collaborative approach. So, no longer will good (even great) employees be sacrificed for no other real reason than “thems the rules.” Thank goodness that nightmare is over! Unless of course you work at Yahoo, in which case it’s just beginning. Yep, Yahoo has picked up the maligned practice making it CEO Marissa Mayer’s second major “fail,” according to Forbes‘ contributor Peter Cohan.

Do you know who wouldn’t look at stack ranking and think it’s a valuable idea? Today’s top CIOs. Time and again at this week’s Society for Information Management conference in Boston, some of the nation’s most successful CIOs extolled the virtues of being hands-on leaders who know their people — and whose people feel appreciated and encouraged, always, to learn.

Also in this week’s Searchlight: IBM brings Watson to the people, Facebook’s $3 billion snub, the cool new frontier in user interface and more.

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Just rip out the bottom, surely it will be completely fine.

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