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All Ears: Susan Cramm on ITopia

Earlier, I wrote about Susan Cramm, former CIO of Taco Bell turned “leadership” coach, talking about how IT and the business could — should! — function in 2015. Cramm was the keynote speaker at the fifth annual CIO Decisions Conference earlier this month at La Costa Resort in Carlsbad, Calif. As promised, here is a podcast of her talk.

The conference is hosted by our sister site,, which covers IT issues of particular concern to CIOs at companies that do up to $1 billion in revenue. I’m guessing Cramm’s view of IT in 2015, however, will resonate with big company CIOs, too.

Click on the player below to hear an edited version of Cramm’s keynote (complete with clinking silverware, paper shuffling and the murmurs, throat clearings, sighs and chuckles of the 200-some CIOs in attendance). A guide to her remarks follows:

0-2:23: Welcome to ITopia!

2:23-4:11: IT as an enterprise asset in 2015

4:11:- 11:45: Today’s big, ugly road to ITopia

11:45- 14:51: “Why has IT sucked for 30 years?” Hint: The IT job is too big. Says Cramm: “Everyday that I spent as a CFO … was easier than any day I spent as a CIO.”

14:50-16:40: One more analogy: The Brady Effect … or business people need to learn how to be skillful drivers of IT


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