This content is part of the Essential Guide: Multi-cloud backup and recovery best practices and offerings

Test your multi-cloud disaster recovery expertise

Multi-cloud DR is growing in popularity as a reliable recovery strategy in businesses of all sizes. Put your knowledge of multi-cloud DR to the test with this quiz.

It's fun to look back and see how much skepticism surrounded the cloud in the past five years alone, when it is virtually everywhere today. Particularly in areas such as disaster recovery and security, the cloud has not always been seen as a reliable, safe place for your data. This fact makes the rise of multi-cloud disaster recovery especially intriguing.

Use of multiple clouds is steadily growing in several areas of storage, including DR. Cloud technology has evolved to a point where it is a safe, accepted place for your recovery and has become a relatively inexpensive way to enhance your existing DR plan. If using multiple clouds can give you another boost, why not take advantage of it? With a process as critical as DR, it's worth it to explore all options.

In this quiz, we'll test your knowledge of multi-cloud DR. From its benefits and drawbacks to current tools on the market, there are a lot of factors to consider when taking on a multi-cloud plan.

If you're still on the fence about including multiple clouds in your DR strategy, make sure that you have your facts straight about where it works best and what it can do for you.

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