Nuvi's sentiment analysis engine deciphers emotion, emoji and more

Nuvi's sentiment analysis engine enables organizations to interpret the true meaning behind text, images and emoji in order to get a more complete understanding of customers' experience.

When it comes to deciphering written customer feedback, automated software can easily interpret a body of text on its surface. But what about the emotion, attitude or images -- including emoji -- behind the words?

Nuvi has launched a sentiment analysis engine to help organizations identify intent and meaning behind conversations beyond the text. By identifying the sentiment and context of conversations across social channels, Nuvi, a social media software management vendor, claims its sentiment analysis engine enables brands to make more informed business decisions.

Combining natural language processing and machine learning, sentiment analysis mines opinions from text to identify emotional tone and categorize attitudes of particular groups of people toward a product, service or idea.

Nuvi claims its engine goes beyond identifying demographics in its analysis. Nuvi deploys six sentiment scores per post to break down every aspect of customer feedback, including image and emoji interpretation.

Nuvi's sentiment analysis engine includes the following features and capabilities:

  • support for over 50 languages that account for 98% of client conversations;
  • image and emoji sentiment that translates visuals into actionable data;
  • real-time data collection from over 250 countries; and
  • six-dimensional sentiment score.

According to Gartner, sentiment analysis tools define who an organization's customers are, identify what they're thinking and enable users to anticipate future needs. Nuvi claims the engine will enable organizations to better understand their customer behavior to tailor the brand experience, improve products and services, and overall increase loyalty.

The sentiment analysis search engine powers Nuvi's suite of listening and brand management software. Punchh, a digital marketing vendor for retailers, just recently released a sentiment analysis search engine -- Punchh Deep Sentiment Analysis -- that claims to be 93% accurate. Other social media sentiment analysis tools in the market include Hootsuite Insights, IBM Watson, RapidMiner and Salesforce Einstein.

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