Threats and vulnerabilities
Keeping up with the latest threats and vulnerabilities is a battle for any security pro. Get up-to-date information on email threats, nation-state attacks, phishing techniques, ransomware and malware, DDoS attacks, APTs, application vulnerabilities, zero-day exploits, malicious insiders and more.
Top Stories
13 Feb 2025
Salt Typhoon compromises telecom providers' Cisco devices
Salt Typhoon's latest campaign exploits older vulnerabilities in Cisco edge devices to gain access to the networks of several telecom companies, including two based in the U.S. Continue Reading
By- Alexander Culafi, Senior News Writer
12 Feb 2025
Fortinet discloses second authentication bypass vulnerability
Fortinet disclosed CVE-2025-24472 in an updated advisory that confused some in the infosec community because it stated that 'reports show this is being exploited in the wild.' Continue Reading
By- Alexander Culafi, Senior News Writer
14 Oct 2015
The malware lifecycle: Knowing when to analyze threats
Not responding to low-level threats can be perilous, yet enterprises can't always examine each issue. Expert Nick Lewis explains when an investigation is imperative. Continue Reading
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08 Oct 2015
Emerging security threats you're up against now
Learn about the 'hacking as a service' and other emerging security threats. Continue Reading
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05 Oct 2015
Cyber Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Defense
In this excerpt of Cyber Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Defense, author Robert Shimonski describes commonly used mobile technology and how phone tracking works. Continue Reading
By- SearchSecurity and Syngress
01 Oct 2015
How can power consumption-tracking malware be avoided?
Malware authors are using power consumption tracking-malware to eavesdrop on and attack mobile devices. Expert Nick Lewis explains the threat and how to defend against it. Continue Reading
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18 Jun 2015
Network anomaly detection: The essential antimalware tool
Traditional perimeter defenses are no longer enough; network anomaly detection tools are now essential in the battle against advanced malware. Continue Reading
11 Jun 2015
Duqu malware makes a comeback and infiltrates Kaspersky systems
The first strain of Duqu malware was found in late 2011. Now three and a half years later, Duqu 2.0 has emerged and is exploiting as many as three zero-day vulnerabilities in a new attack campaign. Continue Reading
By- Michael Heller, TechTarget
01 Apr 2015
New cyberthreats: Defending against the digital invasion
The confluence of the Internet of Things and bring your own device may turn into a beachhead for attackers. Continue Reading
By- Johannes Ullrich, SANS Technology Institute
03 Mar 2015
Amid Apple Pay fraud, banks scramble to fix Yellow Path process
Banks are rushing to fix sloppy authentication processes at the heart of rising Apple Pay fraud. Experts also worry about potential fraud with other mobile payment systems. Continue Reading
By- Michael Heller, TechTarget
16 Dec 2014
Targeted Cyber Attacks
In this excerpt of Targeted Cyber Attacks, authors Aditya Sood and Richard Enbody outline the cyberattack model and different vectors used to attack targets. Continue Reading
By- SearchSecurity and Syngress
18 Nov 2014
How vulnerable is Silverlight security?
Microsoft Silverlight has been in the spotlight due to an increase in the number of exploit kits it is included in. Expert Nick Lewis explains the threat's severity and how to mitigate it. Continue Reading
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02 Jun 2014
Command-and-control servers: The puppet masters that govern malware
Are there shadow networks within your enterprise? Stop malware by shutting down command-and-control communication channels. Continue Reading
By- Adam Rice
- James Ringold, Westinghouse Electric Company
10 Apr 2014
NSA TAO: What Tailored Access Operations unit means for enterprises
The NSA's top-secret Tailored Access Operations offensive hacking unit offers enterprise defense strategy lessons. Expert Nick Lewis discusses. Continue Reading
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23 Jan 2014
Femtocell security: Defending against a femtocell hack
The risk of a femtocell hack is a real enterprise concern. Nick Lewis explains why and explores how to defend against an attack. Continue Reading
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12 Dec 2013
Locking the backdoor: Reducing the risk of unauthorized system access
Rampant backdoors in enterprise IT products too often provide unauthorized access to attackers and governments. Learn how to defend against the risks. Continue Reading
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02 Dec 2013
Heap spray attacks: Details and mitigations for new techniques
Expert Nick Lewis details a new heap spray attack technique and provides mitigations for both new and old heap spray attacks. Continue Reading
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11 Nov 2013
Inside the BREACH attack: How to avoid HTTPS traffic exploits
Enterprise threats expert Nick Lewis examines how the BREACH attack exploits HTTPS traffic and what enterprises can do to mitigate the attack risk. Continue Reading
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10 Sep 2013
Can an unqualified domain name cause man-in-the-middle attacks?
An unqualified domain name can make reaching internal resources easier, but expert Michael Cobb warns that man-in-the-middle attacks could result. Continue Reading
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07 Mar 2013
Quiz: Targeted attacks
Think you know a targeted attack when you see one? Check if you're up to speed and ready to protect your organization from this pernicious threat with this five-question quiz. Continue Reading
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26 Feb 2013
Antivirus evasion techniques show ease in avoiding antivirus detection
In the wake of the New York Times attack, a look at antivirus evasion techniques show how easy it is to avoid antivirus detection and why new defenses are needed. Continue Reading
By- Joe Granneman, Contributor
25 Aug 2011
Locate IP address location: How to confirm the origin of a cyberattack
What's the best way to determine the origin of a cyberattack? Expert Nick Lewis weighs in. Continue Reading
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25 May 2010
Tips on how to remove malware manually
In this expert response, Nick Lewis explains how to remove malware manually, step by step. Continue Reading
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06 Apr 2010
Operation Aurora: Tips for thwarting zero-day attacks, unknown malware
In December 2009, Google, Adobe and other companies were the victims of a damaging cyberattack called Operation Aurora. In this tip, expert Nick Lewis outlines the lessons learned from this attack, and how companies can avoid falling victim to similar attacks. Continue Reading
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02 Jul 2009
How to defend against rogue DHCP server malware
Rogue DHCP server malware is a new twist on an old concept. The good news is that effective threat mitigation strategies exist; the bad news is that many organizations haven't bothered to deploy them. Continue Reading
By- Sherri Davidoff, LMG Security
26 Jan 2009
What are the security risks of opening port 110 and port 25?
If an external manufacturer wants to remotely access its leased copiers, is it risky to open both port 110 or port 25? Mike Chapple reveals a few security repercussions. Continue Reading
By- Mike Chapple, University of Notre Dame
21 Oct 2008
Is it impossible to successfully remove a rootkit?
In this expert Q&A, Michael Cobb takes a closer a look at the nature of rootkits to see why they can be so difficult to remove. Continue Reading
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05 Mar 2008
Built-in Windows commands to determine if a system has been hacked
In this tip, contributor Ed Skoudis identifies five of the most useful Windows command-line tools for machine analysis and discusses how they can assist administrators in determining if a machine has been hacked. Continue Reading
By- Ed Skoudis, SANS Technology Institute
17 Jan 2008
Cleansing an infected mail server
Learn five measures you can take to when cleaning up a massive email virus infection Continue Reading
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17 Jan 2008
Ten hacker tricks to exploit SQL Server systems
SQL Server hackers have a medley of tricks and tools to gain access to your database systems. Learn their techniques and test SQL Server security before they do. Continue Reading
By- Kevin Beaver, Principle Logic, LLC
30 May 2007
How secure are document scanners and other 'scan to email' appliances?
Copiers and document scanners have always posed challenges for information security teams. In this Q&A, Michael Cobb reveals how the right policies can control the use (and abuse) of these devices. Continue Reading
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02 May 2007
How can header information track down an email spoofer?
Spammers can use spoofed headers to hide the true origin of unwanted email. In this Q&A, application security expert Michael Cobb explains how to trust where a message is coming from. Continue Reading
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09 Apr 2007
How can attackers exploit RSS software flaws?
RSS syndication feeds are a convenient way to get your news, blogs or other favorite content, but these popular tools are often left exposed. In this Q&A, Ed Skoudis explains how malicious hackers can attack RSS software and distribute malicious code. Continue Reading
By- Ed Skoudis, SANS Technology Institute
26 Jan 2007
Balancing the cost and benefits of countermeasures
The final tip in our series, "How to assess and mitigate information security threats," excerpted from Chapter 3: The Life Cycle of Internet Access Protection Systems of the book "The Shortcut Guide to Protecting Business Internet Usage published by Realtimepublishers. Continue Reading
26 Jan 2007
Network-based attacks
The second tip in our series, "How to assess and mitigate information security threats," excerpted from Chapter 3: The Life Cycle of Internet Access Protection Systems of the book The Shortcut Guide to Protecting Business Internet Usage published by Realtimepublishers. Continue Reading
12 May 2005
E-mail policies -- A defense against phishing attacks
In this excerpt of Chapter 6 from "Phishing: Cutting the Identity Theft Line," authors Rachael Lininger and Russell Dean Vines explain how e-mail policies help protect companies from phishing attacks. Continue Reading