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What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a free, open source front-end development framework for the creation of websites and web apps. Designed to enable responsive development of mobile-first websites, Bootstrap provides a collection of syntax for template designs.

As a framework, Bootstrap includes the basics for responsive web development, so developers only need to insert the code into a pre-defined grid system. The Bootstrap framework is built on Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), cascading style sheets (CSS) and JavaScript. Web developers using Bootstrap can build websites much faster without spending time worrying about basic commands and functions.

Bootstrap development framework
Bootstrap's 12-column grid system can update responsively based on screen size.

What is Bootstrap used for?

Bootstrap makes responsive web design a reality. It makes it possible for a web page or app to detect the visitor's screen size and orientation and automatically adapt the display accordingly. The mobile-first approach assumes smartphones, tablets and task-specific mobile apps are employees' primary tools for getting work done. Bootstrap addresses the requirements of those technologies in design and includes UI components, layouts, JavaScript tools and the implementation framework. The software is available precompiled or as source code.

Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton developed Bootstrap at Twitter to improve the consistency of tools used on the site and to reduce maintenance. The software was formerly known as Twitter Blueprint and is sometimes referred to as Twitter Bootstrap.

What is bootstrap in a computer?

In computing, the term bootstrap means to boot or to load a program into a computer using a much smaller initial program to load in the desired program, which is usually an OS.

What is Bootstrap CSS?

The most popular CSS framework for developing responsive and mobile-first websites is Bootstrap. The newest version is Bootstrap 5.

What is bootstrapping in statistics?

In statistics, bootstrapping describes the process of resampling a data set to create many simulated samples. This approach enables users to calculate standard errors, perform hypothesis testing and construct confidence intervals for different types of sample statistics.

What is bootstrap distribution?

The resampling procedure, bootstrapping, uses data from a sample to generate a sampling distribution by repeatedly taking random samples from a known sample.

What is bootstrapping machine learning?

To improve the stability of machine learning (ML) algorithms, Bootstrap sampling is used in an ensemble algorithm called Bootstrap aggregating or bagging. In bootstrapping ML, a specific number of equally sized subsets of a data set are extracted with the replacement.

What is Bootstrap Protocol?

Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) is an internet protocol in which a network user can be configured automatically to receive an IP address and have an OS booted without user involvement. A network administrator manages the BOOTP server, which assigns the IP address automatically from a pool of addresses for a specific duration.

What is bootstrap CDN?

Bootstrapped websites often need an increase in speed. A content delivery network helps resolve this issue and delivers static content to users faster. It's the best approach to simultaneously enhance user engagement and page loading speed.

What is bootstrapping in general terms?

In the physical world, a bootstrap is a small strap or loop at the back of a leather boot that enables the boot to be pulled on. In general use, bootstrapping is leveraging a small initial effort into something larger and more significant. The metaphor, "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps," means to achieve success from a small beginning.

See also: mobile application development, web app, native app, hybrid app, mobile OS, web development framework and web application development

This was last updated in August 2022

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