Browse Definitions :

Internet acronyms and lingo

Terms related to Internet acronyms and lingo, including slang definitions and jargon about texting, Twitter and other social networking sites.
  • What is asynchronous?

    In general, asynchronous -- from Greek asyn- ('not with/together') and chronos ('time') -- describes objects or events not ...

  • What is a URL (Uniform Resource Locator)?

    A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique identifier used to locate a resource on the internet.

  • What is FTP?

    File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a network protocol for transmitting files between computers over TCP/IP connections.

Customer Experience
  • What is Salesforce Einstein 1?

    Salesforce Einstein 1 refers to an integrated set of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies ...

  • What is Salesforce Sales Cloud?

    Salesforce Sales Cloud is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform designed to support sales, marketing and customer ...

  • What is a sales pipeline?

    A sales pipeline is a visual representation of sales prospects and where they are in the purchasing process.
