Browse Definitions :

EOM (end of message)

What is EOM (end of message)?

EOM means "end of message," a phrase used in written communications -- typically email messages, instant messages or text -- to indicate a complete message that doesn't require a response.

Why do people use EOM?

People who exchange a great number of emails sometimes write a very short message in the subject line of an email and conclude it with "(EOM)."

As the subject line represents the email's entire contents, it saves recipients time from having to open the note, since the entire message is visible in the subject line.

Good use cases for this type of response in a fast-paced work environment include the following:

  • time-off requests or other employee requests
  • single-topic messages
  • interoffice memos
  • canceling or confirming team meetings

EOM can also be used in other contexts, such as online forums, chats and blogs, to signal the end of a message or comment. In these cases, it is often used to indicate that the person is done typing and has no more to say on the subject.

Graphic listing the advantages of using email.

What are some examples for using EOM?

Here are some examples of how to use EOM in different contexts:


Subject: Meeting Tomorrow

Just a reminder that we have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow at 10 a.m. (EOM)

Instant message

User1: I can't believe it's already Friday!

User2: I know, the week flew by! (EOM)

Text message

User1: Hey, what are you up to?

User2: Just hanging out at home. (EOM)

How did EOM originate?

The term is derived from the physics and engineering phrase "end of message" or EOM. In telegraphy, this was used to signify the end of a message. The term eventually made its way into email and instant messaging culture.

While the history of the term is unclear, it is likely that it was first used in email or instant messaging in the 1990s, and EOM is still used in email and instant messaging today.

What are some other acronyms commonly used in email and instant messaging?

Other common acronyms used in email and instant messaging include the following:

  • FYI (for your information)
  • ASAP (as soon as possible)
  • TTYL (talk to you later)
  • IMHO (in my humble opinion)
  • LOL (laugh out loud)

These acronyms are used to save time when typing out a message and are commonly understood by both the sender and receiver.

See also: Text message abbreviations and acronyms

This was last updated in November 2022

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