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for your information (FYI)

What is for your information (FYI)?

In both chat acronyms and in IT acronyms, FYI is the abbreviation for "for your information."

It is often used in both personal and business correspondence to show that information is simply being shared and that no immediate action is required or expected.

How was FYI invented?

FYI was first written in 1941 in an office memo. The phrase has been widely adopted since then and is now commonly used in email, text messaging and instant messaging.

Please note that FYI is not to be confused with JFYI (just for your information) or FYA (for your amusement).

Examples of FYI in communication

Here are some scenarios where this abbreviation is commonly used:

  • In email: "FYI, I wanted to let you know that I am taking a vacation day next week."
  • In a meeting: "FYI, we will start the presentation in five minutes."
  • In a text message: "FYI, I may be a few minutes late to the movie."

Etiquette in using FYI

Sometimes, FYI can come across as condescending or abrupt, so it's important to be aware of the tone of your message when using this acronym.

If you're unsure whether FYI is appropriate, you can always err on the side of caution and simply write out the phrase "for your information" in full.

Alternatives to FYI

There are several other ways to share information without using FYI if it seems inappropriate or you simply don't want to use it. Here are some examples:

  • "I wanted to let you know I am taking a vacation day next week."
  • "Just so you're aware, we will start the presentation in five minutes."
  • "Letting you know I may be a few minutes late to the movie."

See also: text message abbreviations and acronyms.

This was last updated in September 2022

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