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Raspberry Pi ($35 computer)

is a small, single-board computer that was originally developed for computer science education and has since been popularized by digital hobbyists and makers of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Raspberry PI, whose basic model costs $35 is about the size of a credit card, has a 64-bit quad-core ARMv8 processor and uses a Raspbian distribution of Linux for its default operating system (OS).

The Raspberry Pi computer is essentially a wireless Internet capable system-on-a-chip (SoC) with 1 GB RAM, connection ports, a Micro SD card slot, camera and display interfaces and an audio/video jack. The Raspberry Pi Foundation offers several versions of Raspberry Pi, including the Raspberry Pi Zero, a $5 model which was released in 2015.

A United Kingdom (UK) charitable organization called the Raspberry Pi Foundation developed the device after noticing a decline in Cambridge University’s Computer Science undergraduate degree in the early 2000’s. The organization's stated mission is "to put the power of digital making into the hands of people all over the world." Since the first Rasperry Pi product was launched in 2012, the foundation has sold over eight million Raspberry Pi computers. 

This was last updated in June 2016

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