
What is unobtainium?

Unobtainium is a term used to refer to a material that cannot be accessed. Such a material might be rare, prohibitively expensive, controlled or simply nonexistent.

A common observation about unobtainium is that it meets all requirements perfectly, other than not actually existing. Unobtainium is derived from the word unobtainable, substituting -able with -ium, a suffix commonly used for chemical elements.

What is unobtainium used for?

As unobtainium isn't an actual material, it's not used for anything at all. Engineers and designers describing the unique qualities required in a material for a given product or application, for example, might say that the material they need is unobtainium.

The exact origin of the term is unknown, but engineers have spoken of unobtainium since at least the 1950s. During the development of a spy plane by Clarence "Kelly" Johnson's skunkworks at Lockheed, aerospace engineers referred to titanium, which at that time was controlled by the Soviets, as unobtainium.

photo representing the concept of unobtainium
Unobtainium is a word used to represent materials that are either nonexistent, extremely rare or excessively expensive.

What is unobtainium made of?

By definition, unobtainium isn't made of anything. It's a fictional material or term that is used to describe materials that are incredibly difficult to get. As such, the precise properties of unobtainium vary according to the desired application. For example, unobtainium, as a material used in a smartphone or tablet screen, is extremely lightweight, perfectly transparent, unbreakable, unscratchable, and touch-sensitive.

As a superconductor, unobtainium can conduct electric current with practically zero resistance at temperatures above the freezing point, unlike existing superconductors that cannot. In a hardware context, parts for legacy systems are often referred to as unobtainium.

How much is unobtainium worth?

The cost of unobtainium depends on the context. For example, it would be priceless if it's a fictional material with impossible properties. On the other hand, if unobtainium represents scarce real-world materials, such as rare earth metals and gemstones, then the price would depend on the specific material's market value.

In a scenario where unobtainium is a controlled material, the cost might not even be a factor. This is because it's more about obtaining permission or access rather than buying it, adding another layer of complexity to the concept of unobtainium pricing.

In James Cameron's epic science fiction movie Avatar, specific price tags have been given to unobtainium. However, that's pure entertainment and doesn't reflect any real-world value.

A similar term, unaffordium, is sometimes used when cost is the factor that makes something inaccessible. A cycling enthusiast, for example, might say that titanium wheels are made of unaffordium. The term veryrarium is sometimes used when scarcity is the prohibitive factor. Other terms include eludium, which describes a material that has eluded scientists' efforts to create it. Another popular term is wishalloy, which conveys a similar message. However, it differs in the sense that it describes something that doesn't exist at all.

What is Oakley unobtainium?

Oakley's unobtainium is essentially different from the concept discussed above. Oakley uses the word unobtainium in a playful manner to highlight the key benefits of their product.

This trademarked material, a specific type of rubber compound used to make the company's sunglasses and eyeglasses, is designed to enhance comfort and increase grip with moisture.

What is Oakley unobtainium made of?

The exact composition of Oakley's unobtainium is unknown and likely considered a trade secret. However, we know that it's a type of rubber compound with hydrophilic properties designed to enhance comfort and grip.

What is unobtainium in Avatar?

Unobtainium is central to the movie's plot as a critical energy source for the Earth and a key

motivator for conflict. In Avatar, unobtainium is a rare mineral found on Pandora, the moon inhabited by the Na'vi people. Unlike the general concept of unobtainium, in the movie Avatar, unobtainium is an actual, physical material with extraordinary properties.

unobtainium in Avatar photo
Unobtainium is a rare mineral found on the planet Pandora in the Avatar movie series.

Its most valuable feature is being a superconductor at room temperature, meaning unobtainium can conduct electricity with almost no resistance, even at average temperatures. This is in contrast to real-world superconductors, which require extremely cold conditions.

What is unobtainium in Block Story?

In the video game Block Story, "unobtainium bars" represent the highest metal tier. They are created by smelting down unobtainium from a fictional hellish landscape called Hades. In the game, unobtainium bars are often used to make powerful items.

Unobtainium represents some nonexistent, rare or futuristic material. However, there is a lot going on in technology right now in the real world that provides us with a glimpse of the world to come. Explore future potential quantum computing uses and see where machine learning is headed. Also, delve into a vision of an AI future that might not include humans and learn how DNA storage could provide dense, flexible, more sustainable form factors for archival use cases.

This was last updated in July 2024

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