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JavaScript vs. TypeScript: What's the difference?

Tip |

TypeScript and JavaScript are two complementary technologies that are driving both front-end and back-end development. Here are the similarities and ...

Devs discuss when to use TypeScript vs. JavaScript

News | Software Quality

TypeScript catches errors at compile time, which benefits developers and users. But the language isn't suitable for every project due to its ...

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

Definition |

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a text-based, human-readable data interchange format used to exchange data between web clients and web servers.

Funny JavaScript for programmers who love literature

Feature | WhatIs

Learn about the book 'If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript' by Angus Croll and how JavaScript gives programmers the ability to create interactive code.

Elixir vs. Clojure for functional programming at scale

Tip | App Architecture

While they don't have the prestige of JavaScript or Python, Elixir and Clojure are making a name for themselves when it comes to functional ...

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

Definition |

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique aimed at creating better and faster interactive web apps by combining several programming tools...

Cryptocurrency wallets might be vulnerable to 'Randstorm' flaw

News | Security

Cryptocurrency recovery company Unciphered discovered a vulnerability in a JavaScript Bitcoin library that could jeopardize private keys.

New JavaScript runtime Bun challenges Deno, Node.js

News | Software Quality

Beta release of JavaScript runtime Bun promises to speed up development with an array of out-of-the box features.

JavaScript apps hit with pro-Ukraine supply chain attack

News | Security

A popular JavaScript package was sabotaged by its developer and seeded with messages in support of Ukraine in what has become a supply chain attack.

Oracle Database 21c brings blockchain and JavaScript

News | Data Management

Oracle's flagship DB platform is moving beyond its roots with the 21c update, to embrace more languages and models in a bid to create a universal ...

Experts rate programming languages for beginners in 2023

News | Software Quality

Python and JavaScript are two standouts for novices, according to developer experts. But fledgling coders should diversify their toolbox with newer ...


Definition |

JavaScript is a programming language that started off simply as a mechanism to add logic and interactivity to an otherwise static Netscape browser.

Why WebAssembly? Top 11 Wasm benefits

Tip |

Latency and lag time plague web applications that run JavaScript in the browser. Here are 11 reasons why WebAssembly has the potential to completely ...

JavaScript skimmers: An evolving and dangerous threat

Opinion |

Cyber attacks exploiting Magecart JavaScript skimmers are spiking during the coronavirus pandemic, and like biological viruses, they just keep ...

Node.js (Node)

Definition | WhatIs

Node.js (Node) is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript code.

Tips and tricks for TypeScript programming

Tip |

For those new to TypeScript or for Java developers transitioning into JavaScript, these three TypeScript tips and tricks modern day software ...

Kite intros code completion for JavaScript developers

News | Software Quality

Kite's AI-powered code completion technology helps make Python and JavaScript developers more productive with deep learning models that predict the ...

Dojo Toolkit 7 focuses on JavaScript developer productivity

News |

Dojo Toolkit version 7 is now available. The widely used, mature JavaScript framework favored by enterprise shops gains more features for developer ...

Front-end build tool Vite.js speeds up development

News | App Architecture

JavaScript development server and bundler Vite.js brings multiple enhancements with the release of Vite 3.0.

web application development

Definition | Cloud Computing

Web application development is the creation of application programs that reside on remote servers and are delivered to the user's device over the ...

Singapore payment card data compromised by JavaScript sniffers

News |

Raw data of thousands of payment cards issued by Singapore banks stolen by the online equivalent of a traditional card sniffer

JavaScript, Linux and R among most learned tech skills in 2019

News |

Pluralsight reveals the most learned and most in-demand skills on its platform across different technology disciplines over the past year

TensorFlow.js brings machine learning to JavaScript

News | Software Quality

Google has delivered a version of its TensorFlow machine learning library to support JavaScript developers, and the technology has proved to be a hit...

JavaScript popularity drives TypeScript adoption among devs

News |

More developers choose to work with JavaScript to build web, server-side and mobile applications, while TypeScript has quickly gained traction, ...

Salesforce Lightning Web Components adds JavaScript model

News | Customer Experience

By moving toward a standard-based JavaScript model, Salesforce is appealing to millions of JavaScript developers by making it easier to build custom ...

More than 1,000 malware packages found in NPM repository

News | Security

Researchers with WhiteSource were able to find some 1,300 examples of malware hiding under the guise of legitimate JavaScript packages on the NPM ...

How to solve JavaScript and Java performance issues

Feature |

Given the complexity of client side user interfaces, along with the often limited processing power of many mobile devices, finding out ways to ...

New CDNs bring edge JavaScript to the app performance world

Feature |

With content distribution networks loaded with edge JavaScript, Cloudfare promises to improve application performance and reducing resource ...

event handler

Definition | App Architecture

In programming, an event handler is a callback routine that operates asynchronously once an event takes place.

Microsoft makes TypeScript 4 generally available

News |

Microsoft has made TypeScript 4 generally available for developers building large systems in JavaScript. TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, is ...

5 essential programming languages for cybersecurity pros

Tip | Security

Coding is an important skill across almost every technology discipline today, and cybersecurity is no exception. Learn about the top programming ...

headless browser

Definition | WhatIs

A headless browser is a web browser without a graphical user interface (GUI).

Top JavaScript frameworks accelerate software development

Guide |

Despite its tough reputation, JavaScript frameworks are still growing in popularity in the software development world. Get the latest on JavaScript's...

How a data cache can solve your JavaScript performance problems

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There are many barriers to improved web application performance, but using a data cache effectively can break down many of those performance barriers.

React and Angular frameworks speeding up JavaScript performance

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New JavaScript frameworks, like React and Angular, are changing the way web and mobile UIs are developed, with performance being one of their ...

integrated development environment (IDE)

Definition | Software Quality

An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software suite that consolidates basic tools required to write and test software.

Understanding JavaScript for the Java developer

Tutorial |

After writing a simple application in a Java tutorial, we now move to the world of JavaScript, contrasting the languages to make the learning process...


Definition | WhatIs

A webmaster is someone who creates and manages the content and organization of a website, manages the computer server and technical programming ...

How Netflix modularized their JavaScript Codebase

Tip |

Netflix implemented a modularized JavaScript Codebase to accommodate growing user interface issues

ASLR side-channel attack: How is JavaScript used to bypass protection?

Answer | Security

Researchers have developed an ASLR Cache side-channel attack that enables them to eliminate ASLR protections. Expert Nick Lewis explains how ...

Portlet tutorial: Defining and namespacing JavaScript objects

Tutorial |

A great deal of frustration can ensue when referencing JavaScript objects within a portlet. Defining a namespacing JavaScript component properly will...

More social engineering attacks on open source projects observed

News |

In the wake of the recent XZ Utils scare, maintainers of another open source project have come forward to say they may have experienced similar ...

JavaScript framework AngularJS continues to simplify UI development

Feature |

The easiest way to simplify UI development? Use a powerful JavaScript framework like AngularJS.

The outlook for open source? Growing, but there are challenges

News |

While more companies are using open source technologies, not everyone may realise it

Comparing Java and JavaScript: Advanced conditional logic

Tutorial |

How do the conditional logic semantics of Java and JavaScript compare? In a browser versus JVM language comparison, this is one place where the two ...

JavaScript front-end frameworks, TypeScript skills in demand in 2017

Feature |

What's hot in software in 2017? In JavaScript front-end frameworks, its TypeScript and componentized front-end web app development, says Progress ...


Definition | Data Management

A query is a question or a request for information expressed in a formal manner.

Understanding protocol buffers vs. JSON

Tip | App Architecture

Protocol buffers have some compelling advantages over JSON when it comes to sending data between internal services. But is it really a replacement ...

Scripting vs. programming languages: Where they differ

Tip | App Architecture

Choosing a programming language is often dictated by the problem the programmer wants to solve and the compute goal that a language is designed to ...

Kuato Studios teaches JavaScript through gaming

News |

How Kuato Studios is inspiring children to code through gaming

scripting language

Definition | WhatIs

A scripting language is a type of programming language in which the instructions are interpreted individually at runtime.


Definition | IT Operations

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a binary instruction format for compiling and executing code in a client-side web browser.

Why learning Scala, JavaScript and Ruby will make you a better Java developer

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Obviously a JVM stack developer is going to know Java. But in this world of polyglot programming, knowing a bit of JavaScript, Ruby and Scala as well...

How to invoke a JSF managed bean asynchronously through JavaScript

Tutorial |

Sometimes great frameworks like JSF, Wicket or Spring MVC make simple tasks surprisingly difficult to do. With JavaServer Faces, the simple task of ...

WebAssembly vs. Kubernetes: Understand the relationship

Tip | IT Operations

WebAssembly provides an avenue for the creation of highly portable web applications. Pairing Wasm with Kubernetes can make that process easier to ...

state management

Definition | App Architecture

Application state management is the process of maintaining knowledge of an application's inputs across multiple related data flows that form a ...

From the mobile browser to the cloud: The expanding role of JavaScript

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While originally a language confined just to the web browser, JavaScript has become a requirement for server-side developers as well, as its use in ...

GooseEgg proves golden for Fancy Bear, says Microsoft

News |

Microsoft’s threat researchers have uncovered GooseEgg, a never-before-seen tool being used by Forest Blizzard, or Fancy Bear, in conjunction with ...

Comparing MERN vs. MEAN stacks for web app development

Tip | App Architecture

While MERN and MEAN stacks share many common elements, their respective use of React and Angular is a defining factor in choosing one or the other.

React Native

Definition | App Architecture

React Native is an open source JavaScript framework for mobile application development. The framework is based on Facebook’s user interface (UI) ...

cross-browser testing

Definition | Software Quality

Cross-browser testing, also called browser testing, is a quality assurance (QA) process that checks whether a web-based application, site or page ...

TypeScript's co-creator speaks out on TypeScript 4.0

News | App Architecture

A co-creator of Microsoft's TypeScript programming language says TypeScript 4.0 improves developer productivity and moves toward first-class status ...

Node.js 14 delivers more enterprise-friendly features

News | Software Quality

Node.js 14 is now available with new features aimed at the demands of enterprise developers, who have increasingly adopted the server-side runtime ...

Tableau update highlighted by new embedded analytics tool

News | Business Analytics

In addition to Embedding Playground, the longtime BI vendor's latest platform update features new metadata management capabilities and an integration...

AngularJS: A JavaScript framework built with software testing in mind

Feature |

Modern development methodologies rely heavily on testing and testing frameworks. Of course, testing frameworks are quite mature in the Java and .NET ...

Kaspersky opens up over spyware campaign targeting its staffers

News |

Kaspersky has shared more details of the TriangleDB spyware that was used against its own workforce by an unknown APT group

What is a cloud security engineer, and how do I become one?

Tip | Security

A cloud security engineer has specific responsibilities for helping to secure cloud infrastructure, applications and IT assets.

A simple tutorial on using the JavaScript event model

Tutorial |

To be great at JavaScript languages like JQuery, Dojo and YUI, you must master the basics of JavaScript. Here we look at implementing a simple ...


Definition |

jQuery is an open-sourced JavaScript library that simplifies creation and navigation of web applications.

The benefits and limitations of headless browser testing

Tip | Software Quality

Headless browsers offer efficient web UI testing but lack the visual debugging capabilities of traditional browsers, making assessing the app's state...

ScamClub spreads fake McAfee alerts to ESPN, AP, CBS sites

News | Security

Malwarebytes said the malicious affiliate behind the fake virus alerts and other malvertising attacks has been flagged many times over the years, but...

Google claims AI advances with Gemini LLM

News |

Code analysis, understanding large volumes of text and translating a language by learning from one read of a book are among the breakthroughs of ...

9 programming languages for smart contract development

Tip | App Architecture

There are languages expressly for smart contract development, but you can also use general-purpose languages like C++ and Java. Here's how they ...

Falcor vs. GraphQL: The differences that matter

Tip | App Architecture

While both essentially represent two approaches to a similar end goal, there are some key differences between GraphQL and Falcor that are worth ...

JetBrains IDEs add local AI code completion

News | Software Quality

JetBrains beats GitHub Copilot to an increasingly popular trend that circumvents copyright and data privacy concerns with cloud-based AI assistants.

Google Analytics

Definition | Business Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service that provides numerous analytical tools for marketing purposes.

5 steps to integrate a content personalization engine into a CMS

Tip | Content Management

Customer experience is a top focus in the modern business world, and personalized content can go a long way toward delivering that exceptional ...

Interpol uncovers cyber crime operation in Indonesia

News |

An Interpol-coordinated cyber operation leads to the arrest of three people in Indonesia who allegedly used a JavaScript-sniffer malware to steal ...

Benefits and challenges of a headless CMS

Feature | Content Management

Headless CMSes enable omnichannel publishing and improve front-end flexibility. Yet, these platforms can have steep learning curves and require ...

Appcelerator: cross-platform mobile apps using JavaScript

Photo Story |

client-side framework

Definition | App Architecture

A client-side framework is a software development framework that focuses on executing application processes on end user devices rather than the ...

Vulnerabilities in JavaScript: Secure coding insights and tips

Tip |

JavaScript vulnerabilities are on the rise in India with the entry of HTML5 and faster JavaScript engines. Here are some key problem areas along with...

The basics of implementing an API testing framework

Tip | Software Quality

With an increasing need for API testing, having an efficient test strategy is a big concern for testers. How can teams evaluate what framework ...

How to animate your web pages using JavaScript, HTML and CSS: A tutorial

Tutorial |

One of the great benefits to using JavaScript is the fact that it allows you to animate your web pages in simple yet creative ways. Here we look at a...

Tutorial: Coding a simple Rock Paper Scissors application in JavaScript

Tutorial |

Rock, paper scissors, or Rashambo as it is called in some circles, is a simple game that most people understand, which makes it a great scenario for ...

Traditional CMS vs. headless CMS: What's the difference?

Feature | Content Management

Traditional CMSes let users design websites, yet they lack the flexibility of headless systems. Differences between these tools include purpose, ...

Haskell vs. PureScript: The difference is complexity

Tip | App Architecture

Haskell and PureScript each provide their own unique development advantages, so how should developers choose between these two popular programming ...

How to scrape data from a website

Feature | WhatIs

Web scraping is about combing through data at scale. AI developers do it, search engines do it and you can too with a few lines of Python.

Prospects unclear for two Nucamp coding boot camp graduates

News | Software Quality

A coding boot camp can jumpstart a career in tech, but only for those willing to go the extra mile. Here's how two non-developers fared in a ...

Spyware vendors behind 75% of zero-days targeting Google

News | Security

Google observed 97 zero-day vulnerabilities exploited in the wild last year, which was more than a 50% increase over the 62 exploited zero-day ...

cross-platform mobile development

Definition | Mobile Computing

Cross-platform mobile development is an approach to developing software applications that are compatible with multiple mobile operating systems (OSes...

5 common browser attacks and how to prevent them

Tip | Security

Browsers are critical components of any organization, especially with the rise of web apps. Security teams and users must, therefore, know how to ...

What I learned at a 4-week Nucamp coding boot camp

Feature | Software Quality

Would a four-week web development coding boot camp designed by a Microsoft veteran provide me with enough skills to land a job? I was going to find ...

How was a credit card skimmer used to steal data from Newegg?

Answer | Security

Researchers believe that malicious JavaScript code was used to steal credit card data from online retailer Newegg. Learn more about this attack with ...

Ionic 4 taps Web Components for mobile app development

News | Software Quality

Ionic 4, a rebuilt version of Ionic's web and mobile development platform, conforms to the Web Components standard and expands support to all popular...

12 Web3 courses to try in 2024

Feature | WhatIs

Gain the skills necessary to engage with the newest iteration of the web using one of the many Web3 developer courses and learning resources ...

Google unfazed by advertiser criticism of third-party cookie plan

News | Customer Experience

Google is working with U.K. regulators on its plan to phase out third-party cookies this year, despite pushback from an advertisers group. Meanwhile,...

Attack surface reduction rules for Microsoft productivity apps

Feature | Security

Attack surface reduction rules in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint help prevent apps from launching executable files and scripts, running suspicious ...

hybrid application (hybrid app)

Definition | Software Quality

A hybrid app is a software application that combines elements of both native apps and web applications.

What Java developers need to know about TypeScript syntax

Tutorial |

For Java developers transitioning into JavaScript frameworks, like React and Angular, this TypeScript tutorial on syntax will help make the ...

  • net neutrality

    Net neutrality is the concept of an open, equal internet for everyone, regardless of content consumed or the device, application ...

  • network scanning

    Network scanning is a procedure for identifying active devices on a network by employing a feature or features in the network ...

  • networking (computer)

    Networking, also known as computer networking, is the practice of transporting and exchanging data between nodes over a shared ...

  • IT budget

    IT budget is the amount of money spent on an organization's information technology systems and services. It includes compensation...

  • project scope

    Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, ...

  • core competencies

    For any organization, its core competencies refer to the capabilities, knowledge, skills and resources that constitute its '...

  • employee onboarding and offboarding

    Employee onboarding involves all the steps needed to get a new employee successfully deployed and productive, while offboarding ...

  • succession planning

    Succession planning is the strategic process of identifying and developing internal candidates to fill key organizational roles ...

  • recruitment

    Recruitment is the process of finding, screening, hiring and onboarding qualified job candidates.

Customer Experience
  • chatbot

    A chatbot is a software or computer program that simulates human conversation or "chatter" through text or voice interactions.

  • martech (marketing technology)

    Martech (marketing technology) refers to the integration of software tools, platforms, and applications designed to streamline ...

  • transactional marketing

    Transactional marketing is a business strategy that focuses on single, point-of-sale transactions.
