Browse Definitions :

Browse Definitions by Alphabet

  • employee productivity - Employee productivity, sometimes referred to as workforce productivity, is an assessment of the efficiency of a worker or group of workers.
  • employee resource group (ERG) - An employee resource group is a workplace club or more formally realized affinity group organized around a shared interest or identity.
  • employee retention - Employee retention is the organizational goal of keeping productive and talented workers and reducing turnover by fostering a positive work atmosphere to promote engagement.
  • employee self-service (ESS) - Employee self-service (ESS) is a widely used human resources technology that enables employees to perform many job-related functions, such as applying for reimbursement, updating personal information and accessing company benefits information -- which was once largely paper-based, or otherwise would have been maintained by management or administrative staff.
  • employee sentiment analysis - Employee sentiment analysis is the use of natural language processing and other AI techniques to automatically analyze employee feedback and other unstructured data to quantify and describe how employees feel about their organization.
  • employee training and development - Employee training and development is a set of activities and programs designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees.
  • employee vetting - Employee vetting is a screening process conducted by employers for checking the background and verifying the information of a new hire or applicant.
  • emulation - Emulation, in a software context, is the use of an application program or device to imitate the behavior of another program or device.
  • encapsulation (object-orientated programming) - In object-oriented programming (OOP), encapsulation is the practice of bundling related data into a structured unit, along with the methods used to work with that data.
  • encoding and decoding - Encoding and decoding are used in many forms of communications, including computing, data communications, programming, digital electronics and human communications.
  • Encrypting File System (EFS) - Encrypting File System (EFS) provides an added layer of protection by encrypting files or folders on various versions of the Microsoft Windows OS.
  • encryption - Encryption is the method by which information is converted into secret code that hides the information's true meaning.
  • encryption key - In cryptography, an encryption key is a variable value that is applied using an algorithm to a string or block of unencrypted text to produce encrypted text or to decrypt encrypted text.
  • encryption key management - Encryption key management is the practice of generating, organizing, protecting, storing, backing up and distributing encryption keys.
  • end effector - In robotics, an end effector is a device or tool that's connected to the end of a robot arm where the hand would be.
  • end of life (EOL) - End of life (EOL), in the context of manufacturing and product lifecycles, is the final stages of a product's existence.
  • end-to-end encryption (E2EE) - End-to-end encryption (E2EE) is a method of secure communication that prevents third parties from accessing data while it's transferred from one end system or device to another.
  • end-to-end principle - The end-to-end principle is a network design method in which application-specific features are kept at communication end points.
  • end-to-end testing - End-to-end (E2E) testing is a software testing methodology that verifies the working order of a software product in a start-to-finish process.
  • end-user computing (EUC) - End-user computing (EUC) is a term that refers to the technologies that IT professionals use to deploy, manage and secure the devices, applications and data that workers require to perform their jobs.
  • end-user experience monitoring (EUEM) - End-user experience monitoring (EUEM) is the process of monitoring the performance of IT resources from the perspective of an end user.
  • endpoint detection and response (EDR) - Endpoint detection and response (EDR) is a system to gather and analyze security threat-related information from computer workstations and other endpoints, with the goal of finding security breaches as they happen and facilitating a quick response to discovered or potential threats.
  • endpoint device - An endpoint device is an internet-capable computer hardware device on a TCP/IP network.
  • Energy Star - Energy Star is a government-backed labeling program that helps people and organizations save money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by identifying factories, office equipment, home appliances and electronics that have superior energy efficiency.
  • engineering bill of materials (EBOM) - An engineering bill of materials (EBOM) is a product recipe structured from the design standpoint, rather than the manufacturing standpoint.
  • enhanced driver's license (EDL) - An enhanced driver's license (EDL) is a government-issued permit that, in addition to the standard features of a driver's license, includes an RFID tag that allows officials to pull up the owner's biographical and biometric data.
  • Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) - Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is a network protocol that enables routers to exchange information more efficiently than earlier network protocols, such as Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) or Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).
  • ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) - ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was the world's first general-purpose electronic computer.
  • ensemble modeling - Ensemble modeling is the process of running two or more related but different analytical models and then synthesizing the results into a single score or spread.
  • Enterprise 2.0 - Enterprise 2.
  • enterprise agility - Enterprise agility is a paradigm for scaling agile methodologies beyond development teams.
  • enterprise architecture (EA) - An enterprise architecture (EA) is a conceptual blueprint that defines the structure and operation of organizations.
  • enterprise architecture framework - An enterprise architecture framework (or simply EA framework) is the collection of processes, templates and tools that software teams use to plan and build large, enterprise-grade application architecture systems.
  • enterprise asset management (EAM) - Enterprise asset management (EAM) is the process of managing the lifecycle of physical assets to maximize their use; save money; improve quality and efficiency; and safeguard health, safety and the environment.
  • enterprise content services - Enterprise content services are the evolution of enterprise content management (ECM); their goal is to adapt to the changing needs of enterprises and the emergence of new technologies, such as cloud computing.
  • enterprise document management (EDM) - Enterprise document management (EDM) is a strategy for overseeing an organization's paper and electronic documents so they can be easily retrieved in the event of a compliance audit or subpoena.
  • enterprise file sync and share (EFSS) - Enterprise file sync and share (EFSS) is a service that allows users to save files in cloud or on-premises storage and then access them on desktop and mobile devices.
  • enterprise information management (EIM) - Enterprise information management (EIM) is the set of business processes, disciplines and practices used to manage the information created from an organization's data as an enterprise asset.
  • enterprise IT (enterprise-class IT) - Enterprise-class IT (also known as enterprise-grade, or enterprise IT) is hardware, software and other IT services designed to meet the demands of a large organization.
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) - Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is an architecture for setting up program components, written in the Java programming language, that run in the server parts of a computer network that uses the client/server model.
  • enterprise license agreement (ELA) - An enterprise license agreement (ELA) is a contract between a customer and a vendor that allows purchase of a software product for a company at a discounted, fixed rate for a certain time period.
  • enterprise mashup (or data mashup) - An enterprise mashup is the integration of heterogeneous digital data and applications from multiple sources for business purposes.
  • enterprise master patient index (EMPI) - An enterprise master patient index (EMPI) is a database that is used to maintain consistent and accurate information about each patient registered by a healthcare organization.
  • enterprise mobility - Enterprise mobility is an approach to work in which employees can do their jobs from anywhere using a variety of devices and applications.
  • enterprise mobility management (EMM) - Enterprise mobility management (EMM) is software that allows organizations to securely enable employee use of mobile devices and applications.
  • enterprise project management (EPM) - Enterprise project management (EPM) represents the professional practices, processes and tools involved in managing multiple projects taking place simultaneously across the enterprise.
  • enterprise project management office - An enterprise project management office (EPMO) is a department within an organization charged with setting priorities, standards and goals for the organization's portfolio of projects.
  • enterprise risk management (ERM) - Enterprise risk management (ERM) is the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of an organization to minimize the harmful effects of risk on its capital and earnings.
  • enterprise search - Enterprise search is a type of software that lets users find data spread across organizations' internal repositories, such as content management systems, knowledge bases and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.
  • enterprise server - An enterprise server is a computer containing programs that collectively serve the needs of an enterprise rather than a single user, department, or specialized application.
  • Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) - An enterprise service bus (ESB) is a software platform used to distribute work among connected components of an application.
  • enterprise storage - Enterprise storage is a centralized repository for business information that provides common data management, protection and sharing functions through connections to computer systems.
  • entity - An entity is a single thing with a distinct separate existence.
  • entity relationship diagram (ERD) - An entity relationship diagram (ERD), also known as an 'entity relationship model,' is a graphical representation that depicts relationships among people, objects, places, concepts or events in an information technology (IT) system.
  • entrepreneur (entrepreneurship) - An entrepreneur is an individual who identifies a need in the marketplace and works to fulfill it.
  • environmental, social and governance (ESG) - Environmental, social and governance (ESG) is a framework used to assess an organization's business practices and performance on various sustainability and ethical issues.
  • EOM (end of message) - EOM means 'end of message,' a phrase used in written communications -- typically email messages, instant messages or text -- to indicate a complete message that doesn't require a response.
  • EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) - EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) is a ranking system that helps purchasers in the public and private sectors evaluate, compare and select desktop computers, notebooks and monitors based on their environmental attributes.
  • ephemeral messaging - Ephemeral messaging is the mobile-to-mobile transmission of multimedia messages that automatically disappear from the recipient's screen after the message has been viewed.
  • Epic Systems - Epic Systems, also known simply as Epic, is one of the largest providers of health information technology, used primarily by large U.
  • Epicor Software Corp. - Epicor Software Corp.
  • epoch - In a computing context, an epoch is the date and time relative to which a computer's clock and timestamp values are determined.
  • EPP/ECP (Enhanced Parallel Port/Enhanced Capability Port) - EPP/ECP (Enhanced Parallel Port/Enhanced Capability Port) is a standard signaling method for bi-directional parallel communication between a computer and peripheral devices that offers the potential for much higher rates of data transfer than the original parallel signaling methods.
  • EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory) - EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory) is memory that does not lose its data when the power supply is cut off.
  • equilibrium price - An equilibrium price, also known as a market-clearing price, is the consumer cost assigned to some product or service such that supply and demand are equal, or close to equal.
  • erasure coding (EC) - Erasure coding (EC) is a method of data protection in which data is broken into fragments, expanded and encoded with redundant data pieces, and stored across a set of different locations or storage media.
  • Erlang B - Erlang B is a modeling formula that is widely used in call center scheduling.
  • Erlang C - Erlang C is a traffic modeling formula, primarily used in call center scheduling to calculate delays and to predict waiting times for callers.
  • ERP (enterprise resource planning) - ERP, or enterprise resource planning, is software designed to manage and integrate the functions of core business processes like finance, HR, supply chain and inventory management in a single system.
  • ERP finance module - The ERP finance module is the software component that handles the main accounting and financial management functions of an enterprise resource planning system.
  • Error messages for Windows XP Pro - MS Windows XP Professional Error Messages.
  • ESG reporting - ESG reporting is a type of corporate disclosure that details the environmental, social and governance (ESG) promises, efforts and progress of an organization.
  • ESG score - An ESG score is a way to assign a quantitative metric, such as a numerical score or letter rating, to the environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts undertaken by a specific organization.
  • Ethereum - Ethereum is an open source, distributed software platform based on blockchain technology.
  • Ethernet - Ethernet is the traditional technology for connecting devices in a wired local area network (LAN) or wide area network.
  • Ethernet/IP (Ethernet Industrial Protocol) - Ethernet/IP (Ethernet Industrial Protocol) is a network communication standard capable of handling large amounts of data at speeds of 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps, and at up to 1500 bytes per packet.
  • ethical hacker - An ethical hacker, or white hat hacker, is an information security expert authorized by an organization to penetrate computing infrastructure to find security vulnerabilities a malicious hacker could exploit.
  • Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) - An Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) is a category ranking assigned to an IT product or system after a Common Criteria security evaluation.
  • event handler - In programming, an event handler is a callback routine that operates asynchronously once an event takes place.
  • event stream processing (ESP) - Event stream processing (ESP) is a software programming technique designed to process a continuous stream of device data and take action on it in real time.
  • event-driven application - An event-driven application is a computer program written to respond to actions generated by a user or system.
  • event-driven architecture (EDA) - An event-driven architecture (EDA) is a framework that orchestrates behavior around the production, detection and consumption of events as well as the responses they evoke.
  • Evil Corp - Evil Corp is an international cybercrime network that uses malicious software to steal money from victims' bank accounts and to mount ransomware attacks.
  • evil twin attack - An evil twin attack is a rogue Wi-Fi access point (AP) that masquerades as a legitimate one, enabling an attacker to gain access to sensitive information without the end user's knowledge.
  • evolutionary algorithm - An evolutionary algorithm (EA) is an algorithm that uses mechanisms inspired by nature and solves problems through processes that emulate the behaviors of living organisms.
  • evolutionary computation - Evolutionary computation is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) and is used extensively in complex optimization problems where there are many combinations and for continuous optimization.
  • Evolved Packet Core (EPC) - Evolved Packet Core (EPC) is a framework for providing converged voice and data services on a 4G Long-Term Evolution (LTE) network.
  • exabyte (EB) - An exabyte (EB) is a large unit of computer data storage, two to the sixtieth power bytes.
  • exbibyte (EiB) - An exbibyte (EiB) is a unit that measures data capacity.
  • Excel - Excel is a spreadsheet program from Microsoft and a component of its Office product group for business applications.
  • exception handler - An exception handler is code that stipulates what a program will do when an anomalous or exceptional event occurs and disrupts the normal flow of that program's instructions.
  • exception handling - Exception handling is the process of responding to unwanted or unexpected events when a computer program runs.
  • Exchange Administration Center (EAC) - The Exchange Administration Center (EAC) is a Web-based management console for managing Exchange Server 2013 environments.
  • Exchange Autodiscover service - The Exchange Autodiscover service helps Exchange administrators set up and sustain server settings for computers that run Microsoft Outlook, as well as settings for supported mobile devices.
  • Exchange Management Console (EMC) - The Exchange Management Console (EMC), introduced by Microsoft in 2007, is an administrative tool with a graphical user interface (GUI) that's used to manage the components and resources of Microsoft Exchange Server.
  • Exchange Online - Exchange Online is the hosted version of Microsoft's Exchange Server messaging platform that organizations can obtain as a stand-alone service or via an Office 365 subscription.
  • Exchange Web Services (EWS) - Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) is an application program interface (API) that lets applications access items in a Microsoft Exchange email mailbox, such as calendars, contacts, and messages.
  • executable file (EXE file) - An executable file (EXE file) is a computer file that contains an encoded sequence of instructions that the system can execute directly when the user clicks the file icon.
  • executive dashboard - An executive dashboard is a computer interface that displays the key performance indicators (KPIs) that corporate officers need to effectively run an enterprise.
  • executive leadership - Executive leadership is the ability of an organization's management to guide and motivate employees while meeting organizational goals.
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